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Sniper Rifle

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The Sniper Rifle has been an Unreal series mainstay. With two exceptions, a Sniper Rifle has been in every single game.


Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Primary fire
Type: Hitscan
Damage: ?
Fire rate: ?
Secondary fire
Type: Zoom
Weapon pickup: ?
Ammo pickup: ?
Maximum: ?

Commonly referred to as the "Pocket Howitzer" and sometimes a "Skaarj Hunting Rifle", this five-foot-long blaster packs an incredible wallop. Formerly used as a hunting rifle in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, it was useful for taking down the biggest game.

Primary Fire
A long range, very powerful, accurate shot.
Secondary Fire
Zoom scope

Unreal Tournament

Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Primary fire
Type: Hitscan
Damage: 67/150 HS
Fire rate: 0.6 s
Secondary fire
Type: Zoom
Weapon pickup: 8
Ammo pickup: 10 if box, 1 if single shell
Maximum: 50

Classification: Long Range Ballistic

Primary Fire
Fires a high powered bullet. Can kill instantly when applied to the cranium of opposing forces.
Secondary Fire
Zooms the rifle in, up to eight times normal vision. Allows for extreme precision from hundreds of yards away.
Disadvantage: Unaware of close opponent(s) in zoom.
Great for long distance headshots!

Unreal Tournament 2003/Unreal Championship

The sniper rifle was replaced by the Lightning Gun in UT2003 and Unreal Championship.

Unreal Tournament 2004

Sniper Rifle (UT2004)
Primary fire
Type: Hitscan
Damage: 60/120 HS
Fire rate: 1.21 s
Secondary fire
Type: Zoom
Weapon pickup: 15
Ammo pickup: 10
Maximum: 35
Primary Fire
Fires a high velocity bullet.
Secondary Fire
Activates a scope allowing you to zoom in on your opponents.
Game Description

This high-muzzle velocity sniper rifle with a 10x scope is a lethal weapon at any range, especially if you can land a headshot.

Unreal Tournament 3

Sniper Rifle
Primary fire
Type: Hitscan
Damage: 65/130 HS
Fire rate: ?
Secondary fire
Type: Zoom
Weapon pickup: ?
Ammo pickup: 3
Maximum: ?

Features a red bullet tracer.

Primary Fire
Fire a high velocity sniper round.
Secondary Fire
Zooms in.

See Also

Lightning Gun