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Talk:Metal Guard

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Revision as of 17:07, 17 August 2007 by Retodon8 (talk | contribs) (Metal of Iron Guard?: Not 100% sure)
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Metal of Iron Guard?

Only after writing this article (well, looking up stuff, cutting, copying, and pasting it really) I notice an inconsistancy. Basically I'm not sure Barktooth and Karag are Metal Guard or Iron Guard (or maybe divided among both teams?). BeyondUnreal seems to believe (have believed) they are both Metal Guard, and I've always thought so myself. Although their designs deviated quite a bit from UT's Metal Guard, the whole mask theme doesn't fit with Iron at all, and the overall look doesn't really either. Actually the only reason I'm confused now is that in Karag's description it says "Iron Guard"... which I think is just a mistake by Epic. Did this ever come up before, when the bonus pack was just released maybe? Was this ever cleared up? (I just noticed Karag was recently added to Iron Guard as well, so I'll add a link here on that Talk page.)