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Talk:Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

From Liandri Archives

Revision as of 18:59, 8 August 2007 by Retodon8 (talk | contribs) (No year mentioned, but can be estimated)
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Does anyone happen to have a source to what year UC2 is supposed to have taken place in? I thought Epic had given a year, but I can't find it anywhere. --Sir Brizz 17:39, 8 August 2007 (EDT)

I don't think a year was ever mentioned, but UC2 takes place 3 years after the original UC.[1]. UT2003 takes place in 2302.[2] Of course UC is not UT2003, as the former's story doesn't fit at all in any of the official timeline, but one could estimate UC2 happens around 2305. The game does mention what you experience in UC2 are the 523rd Ascension Rites.[3] Maybe there's more in the other trailers, but I don't have time to watch them all again right now. Retodon8 20:59, 8 August 2007 (EDT)

UC2 Media

Since we (being User:Gnomre and I) could never figure out how to export the (animated) character portraits, we used thumbnails of the promotional art (ie this, though that's the only character I can find such a high res picture of) as the portraits for UC2-specific characters.

However, since we were just going for the highest resolution/quality, most of the promo images I have possess various watermarks: some Gamespot ones, BU ones, etc. Needless to say it looks kind of tacky. Can a) someone provide clean art, b) BU upload all the UC2 character art instead of just Sapphire and Torgr, or c) suggest an alternative? Gryph 17:29, 25 July 2007 (EDT)

The Stinger alt-fire pinning people to a wall either needs a reference or to be removed. --Sir Brizz 22:51, 4 August 2007 (EDT)