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Unreal Championship

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Unreal Championship, also known as UC, is the original Xbox game that Unreal Tournament 2003 was ported from in late 2001. The game made some heavy claims and lived up to almost none of them, such as having vehicles and supporting up to 64 players on one map. The game was released on November 12, 2002.

Xbox Release Date November 12, 2002
Engine Version Unreal Engine 2


Unreal Championship began it's life as a product of Digital Extremes. It was announced roughly a year and a half after UT was released. It was intended to be a more massive game with up to 64 players on one enormous map and including drivable vehicles. Neither of these claims made it into the final game.


Release Details

  • November 12, 2002 - Original Xbox Release


The game was not well received since it didn't offer many things that were promised, and the game cover even mentioned that those things were or would be available for the game. This made many people upset over having bought the game.

Game Content


Starsky Partridge wrote the music for this game.


See UT2003 weapons.



See UT2003 gametypes.


Bonus Content

Downloadable Content

  • Patch: May 22, 2003
    This patch contained the following fixes:
    1. TAG rifle exploit.
    2. Rocket launcher exploit.
    3. All known map exploits.
    4. Auto-aim exploit.
    5. Novice bot stats exploit.
    6. The message "No AA" now denotes a server that has auto-aim disabled.
    7. "Ghost-flag" exploit in CTF matches.
    8. Joining full servers--UC now checks if there is room in the game before loading the map.
    9. Resolved occasional crash problem when joining a friend's match.
    10. Resolved issues with max players and private slots.
    11. Players will now receive one point of damage when impeding lifts.
    12. The translocator disc will return to the gun, if it impedes a lift.
    13. Players can no longer utilize the translocator to pass through world geometry.
    14. Antialiasing is now disabled by default. To enable it, depress both thumbsticks simultaneously during the initial UC intro video sequence.
    15. Team-balancing fixed. The message "Teams Unbalanced" will show up briefly during an existing match if the teams become unbalanced.
  • Map Pack: May 28, 2003
    Contained four new maps, three deathmatch and one capture the flag

Additional Information


Previews and Reviews


See Also