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I'm T2A`. It stands for whatever you want it to. I admin Insite, enjoy angry, heavy music, and drive a slow Saturn SC1. I somehow came away from Virginia Tech with a BS in Computer Science, and I'm currently looking for yet another job. My previous few included driving cars around, programming for a company you haven't heard of, and being a package whore at UPS.


Professional Unreal Player

As far as Unreal goes, I'm a long-time (if three years is a long time) player at FragBU, I was a member of {pdX} and °J2° for awhile, I played some 1v1 ladders and tourneys, and then I decided UT2004 was bad and kept solely to FragBU for the remainder of the game's life. Although, at the very end I stopped showing up to FragBU as well. I've released a few frag videos based on FragBU performances; you can find them here. I wasn't playing on computers back when the original UT came out, so I missed experiencing that one at its peak, unfortunately.

New Computer!

I just built a new computer after 4.5 years of using a 2.8 GHz P4 and 9800 Pro. My new system boasts an E6850, 8800GT, and 2 gigs of memory. If NVIDIA come through and release the 9800GT in February 2008, EVGA's step-up program should enable me to grab one of those for free. I've heard Intel's new CPUs are quite good for overclocking, so I may do that in the future, though there seems little reason to do so at the moment.

UT3 Concernz

Ever since the announcement of UT2007, I've been looking forward to a new UT game that wasn't completely broken like UT2004 was in terms of map scaling and weapon balance. UT2004's pew-pew factor was ridiculous, after all, and the shield gun really screwed up the gameplay. After a terrible beta demo, a buggy retail release with a stupid UI, nothing but complaints on the interbutts, and claims that player counts are terrible, I'm worried about UT3. What should have been a sure-fucking-thing is already lacking populated and low-pinging servers.

Meanwhile, COD4, which also came out just recently, has about a billion players. But that doesn't really surprise me since the campaign is really fucking good and apparently the multiplayer is too. In addition to UT3 and COD4, I'm playing Forged Alliance, TF2, and HL2. Forged Alliance is proving to be hard as fuck. My RTS-playing ability is still lacking, apparently. There are many other games that I'm looking to get since I skipped so many due to a system that couldn't run them, so I may be broke soon.

I'm hoping UT3 pulls out of this rut it's in, because while I still haven't taken it online, it's really fun on good maps and in non-VCTF game modes. The general consensus on the interbutts seems to be that most people think it has failed terribly -- more than any other AAA title ever. Let's hope that isn't true. However, I'm skeptical. During the game's development I thought Epic couldn't fail with UT3. I thought it'd be fucking awesome and would capture the attention of everyone. Wishful thinking, I suppose; so far things have seemed basically the opposite of that.

I suppose as long as FragBU and a few good 1v1 servers are around I'll get enough play out of it to be happy.

Quick Linkz

  • T2A` on BuF -- PayPal donations graciously accepted.
  • Insite -- The bottom line on Unreal level design.
  • pr0bu -- pr0etry in m0tion.
  • Between the Buried and Me -- The best band you haven't heard of.
  • Xfire -- turns2ashes
  • AIM -- turnstoashes19