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Introduced in Unreal Tournament 2004 for the Onslaught gametype, the Anti-Vehicle Rocket Launcher (AVRiL) (the i only enhances pronunciation) is often the foot soldier's weapon of choice against vehicles. It will be returning in Unreal Tournament 3.

Unreal Tournament 2004

Designed to be used strictly against vehicles, the AVRiL allows infantry a fighting chance. Once the AVRiL has aquired lock, it fires a solid-fuel missile which will track the target as long as the reticle is held on the vehicle. The missile tracks its intended target when fired, able to pull 4 G’s and 2 ninety degree turns in 100 feet. Alt-fire allows the player view to hold and zoom on the locked target. Armed only milliseconds before impact, the missile explodes on contact, delivering the full force of a shaped PolyDiChlorite charge into the delivery point. Slow to recharge, the AVRiL must be used with caution, but can turn the tide in a pitched battle.

The AVRiL can be used against infantry, but causes about as much damage as the normal Rocket Launcher, making it inferior for this task due to its limited fire rate.