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For the UT3 version of this map, see CTF-Coret (UT3 map).
Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes.
Full title Coret Facility
Authors Alan 'Talisman' Willard
Players 6-12
Music Firebr
LevelEnterText Welcome to Coret Facility. Enjoy your stay.
Games UT
Gametype Capture the Flag

Item list


Weapons Superweapons
Shock Rifle x2 none
Ripper x2
Minigun x2
Flak Cannon x2
Rocket Launcher x2
Sniper Rifle x2


Ammo Health Armor Powerups
Shock Core x4 Health Pack x14 Armor x2 Damage Amplifier x1
Razor Blades x4 Health Vial x12 Thigh Pads x2
Minigun Ammo x4
Flak Shells x4
Rocket Pack x3
Sniper Ammo x1