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It is possible to fly the phoenix if you summon the vehicle and get in. It's difficult to control and you can't use the bombs as far as I know. — Haarg 16:48, 1 June 2008 (EDT)

Technically the bomber for the Target Painter is a completely different actor class than the vehicle you mean. (Actor>>ONSAutoBomber vs ONSVehicle>>ONSPlaneCraft>>ONSBomber) Even their weapons are differen: The controllable bomber's projectiles are similar to Rocket Launcher rockets, but only with half the splash radius. -Wormbo 04:26, 2 June 2008 (EDT)
They are not just summonable, there's a factory too: Engine.Actor -> Engine.SVehicleFactory -> Onslaught.ONSVehicleFactory -> OnslaughtFull.ONSBomberFactory, so it can be used in custom maps too. --GreatEmerald 06:08, 2 June 2008 (EDT)