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Once a renowned xenohealth research center, this deepwater facility is now just another arena.

Center area of DM-Praxis
Full title Praxis
Authors unknown
Players 2-6
Music Temple Udjat
Games UC2
Gametype Deathmatch

This map was included in the demo.


  • 4x Health Vial (on the Lower Ramp)
  • 3x Health Pack
  • 5x Explosive Ammo
  • 5x Energy Ammo
  • 8x Adrenaline
  • UDamage (in the Upper Level, the balcony area)
  • Super Health (in the Central Atrium)

Tips & Tricks

Use the lower lift to lift jump to the upper level for fast access to the UDamage.

Use Nimble to reach the UDamage, if you're in the area beneath the balcony.