Deep in the heart of the Ocean of Dunes, a small oasis of civilization welcomes the weary traveler. Any who step through the gates of the Temple of Aswan are welcome, though none may leave without taking part in the trials. The Anubans have used the trials as a means to test their prospective competitors for hundreds of years. Success means fame and glory, failure means the scavengers pick the meat from your bones. Are you really that thirsty?
UT2004 map description
All weapons are accompanied by a pair of ammo pickups.
Weapon Location
Bio Rifle |
2 |
6 |
Weapon in the right side of the front rooms below the Domination Points. Another ammo on the right side of the back rooms.
Shock Rifle |
2 |
6 |
Weapon right in front of the spawn areas. Another ammo on the left side of the back rooms.
Link Gun |
2 |
6 |
Weapon to the left and right side of the central platform. Another ammo on the left side of the back rooms.
Minigun |
2 |
4 |
In the right-side corner of the back rooms.
Flak Cannon |
2 |
6 |
Weapon in the right-side back room entry tunnel. Another ammo on the right side of the back rooms.
Rocket Launcher |
2 |
6 |
Weapon in the left-side back room entry tunnel. Another ammo on the left side of the back rooms.
Lightning Gun |
2 |
6 |
Weapon in the left-side corner of the back rooms. Another ammo on the right side.