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Revision as of 15:58, 1 January 2008 by Nekatti (talk | contribs) (Basic Information)
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UT3 fury.png
Health: 600
Number of Seats: 1
Driver Abilities: fire, boost forward
Main Uses: attack, flag runs

Basic Information

This airborne terror defies all rational explanation.

<br\><br\> Nanoblack turbines seem to discount the laws of physics and ignore gravity, allowing for vertical takeoffs and mid-flight hovering. An array of tentacles mounted on the front of the vehicle pulls the Fury through the air with sudden bursts of speed and unpredictable barrel roll maneuvers. <br\><br\>

Energy can also be funneles through the tentacles, and focused into a plasmid bean that quickly burns away enemy armor.
UT3 manual


Using the Fury

Going against the Fury

VCTF Strategy

Like other flying vehicles, the Fury can give flag carriers a quick ride back home. While the flag carrier risks getting shot down and falling to death if using this strategy, the reward usually is a much shorter way back than any ground route.