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Glathriel Village (part 2)
From Liandri Archives
Description: Part two actually has the infestations of spiders and Skaarj, the spiders will be quite annoying, I consider them pests but in numbers they can easily kill you if you don't dodge correctly. You begin this map in the tombs where you shot a hole in the Nali's house and entered the tombs.
Author: Matthias Worch
Walk through
The first spiders you will see when you the pathway, there is about ten in the tombs, you will find some equipment here and there in the tombs, you should go in every room with a tomb to collect things. There is a secret in the tomb in the middle of the room, facing the exit to this basement there is a small button, press it.
It will open the tomb which shows a weird skull with 'Ocrana' under it, the translator message says "Will you die for this?" (I guess it's the mapper's site or a sponsor of his, it's in German) Once you go out of the basement with the tombs in it you should find a Nali looking over a dead Nali on a stone table, there is a stain glass window above it, watch out for that, a Skaarj will jump out of there and try to kill you and the Nali. After you killed the Skaarj exit the church-like building.
You can either go on the rock and jump over the wall to the other side or you can jump on the hay stacks to the other side, there will be a Skaarj to the left of the other side of the hay stacks, or if you go on the large rock you can see him. if you go in the middle of an area of the town near in front of the hay stacks, there will be a Skaarj that will run and jump towards you trying to kill you, after you killed him, the door to the right facing where the Skaarj jumped from the small bridge, will lead to a lever that will open a small garden-like area, it has a UMS crate along with some Nali fruit. This leads up to the top of the wall, jump on the roof, you can get the UMS crate on the roof if you'd like.
Before you go in the building from the bridge entrance, go back to where you got on the top of the wall, jump on the roof with the smoke coming out of it, and jump in the hole on the roof, inside you'll find a few boxes with equipment, and some Nali fruit, there is a UMS crate inside with a Rocket Launcher take it so you can blow some heads off. Now go back to the place where you got up the roof, and the building to the left on the bridge should have it's door open go inside it, but be careful, there will be Skaarj there. Pull the lever that opens the doors if the bridge the Skaarj jumped from and go to the other building that the bridge connects to, there will be a Skaarj behind the bookshelf, I recommend you use the grenade launcher, shoot it so it ricochets off the wall and towards him, continue onto the next room.
The next room will have Krall playing dice, you should take advantage of this and blow them up, there is nothing useful in the library, afterwards exit the building, there will be a UMS crate outside of it with some health. The lever to the right of the UMS crate and Nali statue opens the door to where you have already been, so turn left and keep going, but get ready for a fight, there will be a Skaarj Trooper waiting for you, after you killed him you can go behind the building near the beginning of the pathway there is Nali fruit behind there, you can also go to the end of the pathway where there is a house with a couple of bandages there for health. There is an odd secret near there, I don't really consider it a secret though, but anyway, there is a destroyed part of a building, you can jump over it by sliding over while jumping, then keep going forward around the building behind the destroyed part, you should see a weird scene, there is a pit-like land formation with a Nali at the bottom, he has knives stuck to his back.
There is no way out after you go over the debris of the house, you should just put 'Fly' (if you have the patch for Return to Na'Pali which I recommend) in your console and go back to the other side of it. Go back and to the right you should see the other side of the destroyed bridge, go to the room on the right of the destroyed bridge, there should be a Skaarj there so be prepared, pull the lever and the other side of the bridge's door will open. Do not fall from the bridge after the door, it'll lead back to where you were, continue forward, but at the end of the bridge turn right and get ready to attack, there will be a Skaarj Trooper waiting to ambush you, afterwards, exit the building. Go to the cave and kill the Skaarj Officer there before continuing on, when you jump down from there, you will go to the next level.