Only men are allowed in the fighting force known as ‘RawSteel’. An amalgamation of human muscle and polyfoam materials, ‘RawSteel’ upholds strength and power over other virtues.
Slain is the founder of RawSteel. He understands that the success of the team lies not only in the physical strength, but in their crowd pleasing ‘pro-wrestling’ style.
Arkon left the NEG security forces after Raw Steel offered him a position. He never liked the military and finds the Tournament's lack of rules his kind of fighting.
Rolph is the weakest of the team, but is still very tough by normal human standards. What he lacks in brute force he makes up in raw speed and endurance.
Arnold is an ex-movie stunt man turned Tournament combatant. He is always in search of the biggest and toughest thrill and the Tournament fulfills his needs completely.