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Rocket Launcher

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The Rocket Launcher (or RL, as it's known) is a weapon that has appeared in various incarnations in all of the Unreal series. With the Rocket Launcher equipped, hovering the crosshairs over another player for a brief amount of time will cause the Rocket Launcher to "lock on." While locked on to a player, an RL's rockets will curve slightly towards that player. However, this lock-on attack can usually be easily avoided.

Rocket Launcher
Primary Damage Type: Projectile Splash
Alt. Damage Type: Projectile Splash
Manufacturer: {{{manufacturer}}}


Eightball Launcher
Primary Damage Amount:
Alt. Damage Amount:

The Rocket Launcher in Unreal is called the Eightball Launcher. This is due to the ammo it uses, Eightball rockets, and is based on the eight ball in pool.

Primary Fire

Can load up to six Eightball rockets and fire them in a straight line or a spiral configuration by holding down the alternate fire button while the rockets are being loaded.

Secondary Fire

Can load up to six Eightball rockets as grenades. The rockets will bounce around before they detonate.


The maximum amount of Eightball rockets the Eightball Launcher can hold is 48.

Unreal: RTNP

Marine Rocket Launcher
Primary Damage Amount:
Alt. Damage Amount:

Unreal - Return to Na Pali has the same Eightball Launcher as Unreal does but it also adds a standard Marine Rocket Launcher to your arsenal.

Primary Fire

Unguided rocket projectile.

Secondary Fire

Guided by moving/aiming crosshairs.


Unreal 2

Primary Damage Amount:
Alt. Damage Amount:

A.K.A. Shark.

Primary Fire

Unguided rocket projectile.

Secondary Fire

Rocket breaks into four smaller projectiles that fly around drunkenly when secondary fire button is released. Holding down the secondary fire button and moving the crosshairs over enemies before release will lock each rocket to a target, one at a time.


Unreal Tournament

Rocket Launcher
Primary Damage Amount: 100 (x6)
Alt. Damage Amount: 100 (x6)

Classification: Heavy Ballistic

Primary Fire
Slow moving but deadly rockets are aimed at opponents. Trigger can be held down to load up to six rockets at a time, which can be fired at once.
Secondary Fire
Grenades are lobbed from the barrel. Secondary trigger can be held as well for up to six grenades.
Keeping this weapon pointed at an opponent will cause it to lock on, and while the gun is locked the next rocket fired will be a homing rocket. Because the Rocket Launcher can load up multiple rockets, it fires when you release the fire button. If you prefer, it can be configured to fire a rocket as soon as you press the fire button down, at the expense of the multiple rocket load-up feature. This is set in the Input Options menu.
Additional Information

The Rocket Launcher also has two "extra" fire modes, sometimes called Tertiary and Quadriary Fire.

Tertiary Fire
Also called "Clustered Rockets" or a "Six-Pack." Hold down primary fire to begin loading rockets, then as you do so, hold down secondary fire, then release primary fire when desired. The rockets will be clustered together with minimum spacing, and the spread greatly decreased. The tradeoff is that blast damage will be much greater to anything near it.
Quadriary Fire
Also called "Clustered Grenades." Hold down secondary fire to begin loading grenades, then as you do so, hold down primary fire, then release secondary fire when desired. The grenades will be clustered together with minimum spacing, and the spread greatly decreased. The tradeoff is that blast damage will be much greater to anything near it.

Upon pick up Rocket Launcher will contain 6 rockets, maximum ammo capacity being 48. Default ammo pack has 12 rockets in it.

Unreal Tournament 2003

Rocket Launcher
Primary Damage Amount: 96
Alt. Damage Amount: 96 (x3)

Primary Fire

Fires a single rocket.

Secondary Fire

Fires three rockets in a horizontal line, and, by pressing primary fire while loading, can shoot up to three rockets in a tight spiral.


Rocket Launchers have 12 rockets when they are picked up, and they can hold a maximum of 30. Rocket Launcher Ammo Packs hold 9 rockets each. It takes a bit under 1 second to load a rocket.

Unreal Tournament 2004

Trident Tri-Barrel Rocket Launcher
Primary Damage Amount: 96
Alt. Damage Amount: 96 (x3)

The Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher is extremely popular among competitors who enjoy more bang for their buck. The rotating rear-loading barrel design allows for both single- and multi-warhead launches, letting you place up to three dumbfire rockets on target. The warheads are designed to deliver maximum concussive force to the target and surrounding area upon detonation.

The Rocket Launcher in UT2004 is identical to the one in UT2003.

Unreal Tournament 3

The UT3 Rocket Launcher is reportedly about the same as that of UT2003/4, possibly without the capability to shoot only two rockets in a spiral.

Unreal Championship

Primary Damage Amount:
Alt. Damage Amount:

Primary Fire

Fires one rocket

Secondary Fire

fires up to three rockets, either in a straight line or flat, depending if you press the primary fire button while loading.


Because the homing function was too strong compared to the other Unreal games, players could only run around in circles the in turn make the rockets fly circles around them until disappearing or exploding on surrounding objects. This circle strafing when dealing with homing rockets dubbed the name "Halo Dodge" because of the ring of smoke that went around the dodging player.

then a player discovered that in UC, a player could lock onto another player, and still remain locked onto that player while turning around. when the player did that and shot three rockets at another player in the larger maps, the physics of the rockets would malfunction, and make the rockets fire faster. when a player tried to "Halo Dodge," the rockets would then do almost an S-curve, swing back around, and hit the player right in the face. most oldskool UC players commonly referred to this technique humorously as "Rocket Whoring." the technique got this name due to players joining non auto aim games as characters with starting weapons being enhanced rocket launchers; usually the character "Memphis."

along with the introduction of the Halo 2 craze, younger whinier brats, this rocket glitch is considered part of what killed the unreal championship community.

Unreal Championship 2

Primary Damage Amount: unintelligible
Alt. Damage Amount: unintelligible

Primary Fire

Fires a single rocket.

Secondary Fire

Charges up to three rockets, each of which can split in two if activated in midair by holding the alt fire button and pressing the primary fire button. If the player is locked onto the enemy and splits the three rockets, those 6 rockets will then have a slight homing feature on the locked on target. its hard to tell this in small areas because the split makes the rockets go in random directions, but in larger areas you will see the rockets reform.


Tactical Use

The Rocket Launcher's rockets fly straight, do a lot of damage in a direct hit, and have a fair-sized splash damage radius. (Because of the splash damage, Rocket Launchers are less than ideal for close-range fighting and are notorious for causing suicides in this situation.)

Since Rocket Launchers are the most powerful standard weapon except a sniper and they have a reasonably fast reload rate and a large splash damage radius (hence the RL is called a "spammy" weapon), they are a favorite of new players. Because it's much more rarely used by advanced players, the Rocket Launcher is often found opposite the Flak Cannon in Capture the Flag, Double Domination, and Bombing Run maps, and in either wide-open or very tight places in Deathmatch or Domination. The theory behind the latter locations is that a weapon is most balanced if it is placed in a location where it is least useful; since the RL is usually considered a mid-range weapon, these locations make sense.

(The following ideas (but not the text) are mostly copied from UnrealWiki)

Use in Onslaught (UT2004 only)

  • Rockets have a lot of momentum, so they will temporarily stop or slow down Scorpions and usually change their direction slightly, disorienting the driver. Three rockets kills a scorpion.
  • Since Rocket Launchers are the second-most-powerful weapon against vehicles (factoring in their rate of fire) they are the most useful weapon to combat Goliath tanks and other large, slow vehicles (not including the Hellbender unless it's coming straight at you) after AVRiLs. However, Mantas and Raptors are usually too agile to be hit by rockets.
  • Because rockets fly very straight and cannot be shot down, they are ideal for shooting Power Nodes from a distance. A useful tactic if you're bad at aiming is to line up using the Lightning Gun or Sniper Rifle and then switch to the RL without moving.

Use in Deathmatch and other Gametypes

  • Loading up on rockets before bursting in to an area where you know there are enemy players allows you to unleash a powerful attack on multiple enemies before they know what's going on.
  • Players in the damage radius of a Rocket are lifted off the floor, preventing them from jumping or dodging. Good players can predict the landing spot and send another rocket there to greet the enemy. This ability can also be used to boost players themselves, although the Impact Hammer (in UT) and Shield Gun (in UT2003/4) usually take this role.
  • Hitting the ground near a player's feet is easier than hitting a player because, well, it's a larger target and it's not moving. Often the splash damage is plenty to hurt the enemy. Jumping in the air gives an easier angle from which to aim at a player's feet.