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An Unreal 1 item. It let's you breathe in the water until the oxygen supply ends, which is a relatively long time. It is activated automatically once go underwater. If deactivated while underwater, you'll start drowning. It isn't a very common item, and it is mostly found in maps like The Ceremonial Chambers.

Other Appearances

The SCUBA gear appears one time in Return to Na Pali, but in an alternate version known as the Marine SCUBA Gear. What differs from the original version is the regeneration of the oxygen supply, giving it infinite useability. Also, some messages will appear that warn you about the quantity of oxygen left or when the oxygen level is returned to full. Another appearance is in UT in the map AS-OceanFloor. You'll find four of them in the Attackers' base; they act in the same way as the normal SCUBA Gears found in Unreal.