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Revision as of 13:35, 28 October 2007 by Mastame (talk | contribs)
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Re: (Twin Souls appears to be some Necris slaughter operation, doesn't seem to be the same thing as the actual Ronin.) <-- Where does that information come from? --Sir Brizz 11:19, 27 October 2007 (EDT)

I thought Twin Souls is a twin planet or something. The ways I've heard it mentioned always suggested it's a place to me. If I'm right, the edit doesn't make any sense. Before Mastame edited it, it said Ronin instead, which is the player's team, who is working for the Izanagi. Correct me if I'm wrong. Retodon8 14:30, 27 October 2007 (EDT)
Izanagi's tournament team and "special ops" team is Ronin, hence the team name Izanagi/Ronin. I really don't know about Twin Souls. --IceCreamYou 14:45, 28 October 2007 (EDT)

Exactly Retodon, and that is why I edited it. As it appears, Akasha didn't lead an attack on the Ronin (the player team - those 4 mercenaries), but rather on a place or planet called Twin Souls, which the Ronin mercenaries are survivors of. It even says so in the description of the team: The only survivors of the infamous Twin Souls massacre, bound together out of a sense of duty, honor, and revenge.

I thought that with Izanagi, it was meant that the Necris organised attacks on several stations, mines or planets controlled by Izanagi. Hence that Twin Souls, which also appears to be a place or planet, would fit in with that. Anyway, please edit it as seems appropriate.