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Talk:Planets in the Unreal Universe

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Revision as of 06:25, 8 August 2007 by Retodon8 (talk | contribs) (Layout suggestion: Would this be good?)
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This is a rough page at the moment. I'm not if this is the best way to do this. I felt it nessicary to have a page that listed every known planet in the Unreal Universe. To that effect, I've included everyone I could find. Some of them are only briefly mentioned in chracter backrgrounds however. Suggestions??!!! Gregori

This is fine so far. It should probably be refined to some degree, but that cen be done later on. --Sir Brizz 11:13, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

It seems to me that this page should be dedicated to planets that actually exist. I've changed many of the entries under the "Unreal Tournament" section, because they were simply the name of a map with "world" tagged on at the end, or something similar. Also, "The Coret Moon" isn't a planet, its a map that's set on a moon orbiting the planet "Coret"

Several planets occur more than once in the series. How will these be handled -- show them once on their first appearance, or show them every appearance? Gryph 23:09, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

I suppose enter the planet name under every heading if it occurs in multiples. I must ask though Gryph, were did you get some of those planets under Unreal 2 from?, I've never seen them before!

Please sign your comments with four tildes (~) in the future. Anyway, which planets in particular are you asking about? We can answer better that way. Gnomre 23:30, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

The Lava Giant is set on some unnamed planet, so are EternalCave/Olden (but they do exist). Koos World is a planet too. I think they are totally worth mentioning. Gregori

Can you confirm where Koos World is mentioned? I was going to add it, but couldn't remember where it was from. Gryph 23:32, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

Dawn, Quantico, Quintana, Santan's Furnace? Koos World is mentioned in the Bios for the map DM-Gallleon.Its set on this Ocean world. Gregori 4:59, 25 July 2007 (GMT)

Several of the odd U2 planets are from a starmap texture Gnomre found. We'll upload it as soon as we find it. Though this kind of addition does assume a very low standard of notability, since there's no description on it at all, just a name. Gryph 00:14, 25 July 2007 (EDT)

This page needs a lot more referencing sources on it, IMO. We don't want people just adding planet names willy nilly. --Sir Brizz 00:02, 25 July 2007 (EDT)

Well, I can source reference the planets I've mentioned by adding the original text in the player/map bios I found them in and linking to those maps/characters on this site. Gregori 16:25, 25 July 2007 (GMT)

That would be fine. --Sir Brizz 11:44, 25 July 2007 (EDT)

Layout suggestion

Most planets probably d/won't appear in multiple games, so I agree about sorting by game, especially since most people (?) will probably be looking for a game-specific planets.

Maybe it would be good to have two sections, at the bottom a list of all minor planets which shouldn't be linked since there's not much to tell about them anyway, but which should have a short description with whatever's available, like "Appears in DM-Something and AS-Else.". It should start with all the important planets however, which do have links to their respective articles with the complete information. For instance Na Pali's has lots of info that does deserve its own article. (Is it named after Nā Pali Coast State Park btw?) That's my suggestion. Comments? Retodon8 08:25, 8 August 2007 (EDT)