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Talk:Unreal II: The Awakening

From Liandri Archives

Revision as of 22:13, 31 January 2008 by Haarg (talk | contribs) (1 revision(s))
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This page probably needs a 'Teams' section where a list can be made of the corporations and such. --Sir Brizz 11:18, 23 July 2007 (EDT)

Do the races that were cut from the game need to be mentioned? --Sir Brizz 22:39, 23 July 2007 (EDT)

I think they are worth mentioning since they were only cut due to time constraints on Legend, plus some of the m sounded damn cool. If you read the Unreal timeline on, the Strider wars are srill entioned in the timeline despite never fully making it into Unreal 2, so they still constitute an important part of the universe. --Gregori

Alright I can accept that. Continue on :) --Sir Brizz 00:22, 24 July 2007 (EDT)

This article is probably the most likely place for readers to find out about the other races, and I agree that it'd be a shame to just forget about them completely. Retodon8 23:52, 5 January 2008 (EST)


While looking for some info on a weapon, I found this page, which was very helpful. I'm not sure if all the quotes are exact (all the I-can't-display-this-character-characters aren't very helpful) but they seem to be. When in doubt we can always start the game, but this is easier. :) Retodon8 23:52, 5 January 2008 (EST)

That page should display if you have East Asian fonts installed, and set your browser's encoding to Shift-JIS. --Dark Pulse 07:56, 8 January 2008 (EST)