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From Liandri Archives

Revision as of 20:34, 24 July 2007 by IceCreamYou (talk | contribs)
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Hello. I am IceCreamYou. I am active on the BeyondUnreal Forums, so you can contact me with a Personal Message there, or email me using the address that can be found on my website.

My website is On it, you will find a gigantic list of tutorials which attempt to start from the very beginning and in the simplest possible manner teach people how to use UnrealEd. Only the first few (plus a few random ones after that) are more or less complete at this time. If you'd like to help me out with writing them, please email me!

Also on my website are my maps, both completed and upcoming. As of 24 July 2007, I have no serious works completed. However, the third Beta for my first map which I deem worthy of public release will be out by the end of July 2007. Like the first two Betas it will be private, but if there are no major issues remaining in the third Beta then I will take the fourth beta public. Screenshots (BMP format, sorry) of the second Beta are on the site, but significant changes to both the visuals and gameplay have or will have occurred by the release of Beta 3. If you'd like to Beta test my map before its public release, please email me.

As you'll notice, my website is somewhat incomplete. Please be patient in that respect until I can find the time to upgrade it.

I also like to contribute to these wikis. I focus particularly on the Special:WantedPages. I've written much of the pages on UnrealEd, Epic Games, Assault, Capture the Flag, and Team Deathmatch.