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User talk:Sijik

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Great work on the Skaarj page, I was hoping to add stuff on this wiki, but you seem to have put everything there. May I ask your permission to redit your page? I want to separate the article into smaller articles, this will allow us to add more pictures, for example. I want to make separate pages for each Skaarj caste. I'll propably also change the location of some paragraphs, with minor deleting, I don't want your work to be wasted. --QJohnnyp 07:39, 16 August 2007 (EDT)

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Edits to articles themselves shouldn't be signed. The history of a page can be used to see who make what changes if needed. Signatures are used on talk pages because they are meant as a discussion. — Haarg 01:29, 23 June 2008 (EDT)