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User talk:Thorag

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Welcome to the Liandri Archives! Nice to see someone who cares about Unreal II as well :) Especially a programmer. I hope XMP could be successful in UT3 too, it's much more similar (and has similar tools) to the Unreal II XMP engine (probably because U2XMP engine is a lot more advanced than UT2004's, because it wasn't based on older releases, while UT2004's engine is enhanced UT2003, which was ported from the old UC).

Anyway, have you read about the Alpha XMP yet? There not only tactics, but also strategy is very important. It would be cool to see this gametype remade so it could at last see the light of the day... I believe it could be rather successful, and overall the idea is very interesting - a strategy game mixed with a first person shooter... Do whatever you like - both are good for your team! :) --GreatEmerald 17:06, 31 May 2009 (EDT)