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Prieth Callas was a hard, cruel man, fond of torturing his enemies before sending them to their deaths. He raised creatures of great size and ferocity, setting them against his prisoners in arenas of his own creation. Grendelkeep is the last of his diabolical constructions, left to fall into ruin after Callas was dragged from the battlements by his own men and fed to the creatures he bred in the dark kennels below. The rain has washed away the blood, but the evil that bred here has left a much deeper stain.
map description
Full title Grendelkeep
Author(s) Scott "Goose" McGregor
Players 2-10
Music KR-level16
Games UT2003 (DE bonus pack), UT2004
Gametype Deathmatch


Grendelkeep weapon and power-up locations.


Tips & Tricks

You can lift-jump from the Shock Rifle to the upper Link Gun or the Lightning Gun.