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* Use audio cues to track enemy movement.
* Use audio cues to track enemy movement.
=== Team Chat ===
=== Voice Chat ===

Revision as of 14:26, 24 March 2010

The legendary Samurai of Earth's Lotus Guard used to train within the walls of

the Imperial Palace. This small section of the Kimpu Market District was built to mirror those courtyards, and now serves as the entrance to the Ghost Legion

training grounds.
Unreal Tournament 3 map description
Screenshot of Rising Sun
Full title Rising Sun
Game Unreal Tournament 3
Gametype Deathmatch

Item List




Campaign Info


Mission Objectives

  • Keep enemies in check until their Respawner charges are depleted.
  • Maintain battlefield control by holding the high ground.
  • Use audio cues to track enemy movement.

Voice Chat