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A mercenary
A mercenary elite

Mercenaries are sentient beings which are mostly found in technologically advanced areas and factories. They are 6 feet tall on average and weigh 250 lbs.

Prisoner 849 encountered them for the first time inside the Terraniux, a ship of the mercenaries which crash landed on the planet near Harobed Village. Some of them were captured by the Skaarj and brought inside the Skaarj Mothership. It is possible that mercenaries compete with the Skaarj empire in their quest to extract tarydium on Na Pali.


Mercenaries are equipped with a small minigun (which fires a few shots in rapid sequence) and a small Rocket Launcher. They can also activate a temporary shield which protects their whole body from any damage, much like the Shield Belt; Elite members of the Mercenary forces can fire while they have this shield active. Elite members wear blue armor, while the regular forces wear brown. Occasionally, some regular members will be able to fire through their shield, as well, so always be on your guard. Attacking with projectile weapons seems to increase the likelihood of a Mercenary activating its temporary shield, so stick to instant-hit weapons like the ASMD or Automag.