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Revision as of 05:26, 25 April 2011 by Kaithofis (talk | contribs) (Added screenshot, Pickups & Vehicles, Node Layouts)
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This volcanic archipelago served once as a gateway in the human wars of the 21st century. Transformed for tournament use, a series of bridges now connects the islands. These bridges, though excellent use for ground based vehicles, do not provide a direct path to battle. Manta's will be the primary choice for transportation.
UT2004 map description
Screenshot of Island Hop
Full title Island Hop
Author(s) Ben Beckwith
Players 8-16
Music None
Game UT2004
Gametype Onslaught

Map Description

Pickups & Vehicles


Item and Vehicle map
Pickup Location
Target Painter On small remote islands off the coast of nodes 2 & 4.
Redeemer Inside the volcano in the middle of the map.
Shield Pack There's 1 right next to each powercore.
Super Shield On the other side of the powercore's islands.
Keg o' Health 1 in each base (inside the bunker), 1 near powernodes 1 & 3
Double Damage On top of a large rock on the islands of nodes 2 & 4


Vehicle Location
Manta There are 2 Manta's at the bases, and 1 at all the noes.
Scorpion There's 1 Scorpion at every node and base.
Hellbender The Hellbender spawns at nodes 2 & 4
Goliath There's 1 Goliath at each base.
Paladin The Paladin spawns at nodes 1 & 3
SPMA The SPMA spawns at the bases.
Energy Turret There are 3 turrets at the bases, 2 at nodes 2&4, and 1 at nodes 1&3

Node Layouts
