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Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger

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Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger is a community Level Designer who has been doing offsite contract work for Epic Games. Most of his paid maps were used in Bonus Packs for Unreal Tournament, and UT2003 / UT2004

General Information

Sidney was a 14-year-old high-school student when the Unreal hype started to take effect (leading to him checking the game's site at least twice a day). After having spent a lot of time learning the editor (UEd), he started releasing his first maps on Nali City. The visitors of the site seemed to enjoy his levels (much to his surprise), which kept Sidney motivated to continue to produce more. At one point Cliff Bleszinski contacted him about his maps and offered him an off-site contract to make maps for the first bonus pack for Unreal Tournament. Sidney has been a "regular" since, having been employed to make levels for the 4th UT Bonus Pack, the Epic BP for UT2003 and the Mega Pack for 2004. Aside from these projects Sidney has also made plenty of non-official maps (some of which were part of the Community Bonus Packs), as well as various drawings and paintings.

List of Contributions

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003/2004


  • Clawfist has recieved honorable mentions in Phase II of the Make Something Unreal Contest for 2 of his CBP maps.
  • In Phase III of the same contest his CTF-CBP2-Pistola won 1st prize in the Best Level category

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