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Health 100
Projectile Damage 30
Melee Damage 20
Abilities: None
Main Appearances:

Over the millennia of their existence, these large territorial arachnids have evolved their web spinning glands into dangerous projectile weapons. They fire slow-moving but deadly orbs of poisonous plasma that deliver substantial damage. Their close-range fang attack should also be avoided.

Spinners are arachnid creatures introduced in Return to Na Pali. They are brown in color, have 8 legs, with 2 small forearms, 6 eyes and a rear body that somewhat resembles that of a wasp. They usually appear in small numbers (only 1 or 2), and only appear in groups in Velora Temple. They can also been seen walking on walls in some occasions, but they do not use this technique in combat.

The Spinner is a rather small creature. It's larger than a Pupa, but only by a small margin. What makes the Spinner the bigger threat is its ability to lob balls of acid from the tip of its tail. These projectiles (and their trajectory) are very similar to the Slith's projectiles, and they're almost as dangerous. Their bite also packs quite a punch, dealing 20 damage.

Fortunately, Spinners make a loud hissing sound when approached by danger, which gives them away. Their acid, though powerful, also moves very slow, making it very easy to dodge. When fighting one or more Spinners, regular strafing will be enough to avoid the acid. Still, to play it safe, one may want to use a Flak Cannon to dispose of the groups quickly, though their health is low enough to use low- to mid-range weapons. When it's using its melee attack, it can be taken down by simply walking backwards and shooting it with the Automag, similar to the Pupa or Fly.

At the end of Gala's Peak 2 larger Spinners appear from a hole in a wall. These are 2x the size of a normal Spinner, and have 400 health each. However, they drop down just as the player approaches the teleporter out of the building. Simply continuing to walk into the teleporter will avoid the fight with these Spinners altogether.