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Template talk:Infobox Map

From Liandri Archives

Revision as of 10:11, 7 January 2008 by Haarg (talk | contribs)
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Automatic Gametype Category Bug

Currently this template has a bug in the automatically created category link for the gametype. The general consent on gametype map categories is that the maps are sorted by name without prefix. Unfortunately this string can't be generated automatically without the StringFunctions MediaWiki extension, whose system requirements unfortunately prevent it from being installed on Liandri Archives yet. Instead, maps are sorted by title for now, which works most of the time. --Wormbo 14:22, 2 January 2008 (EST)

We've upgraded to the latest MediaWiki, and I've added StringFunctions. I updated the template to take advantage of it for the gametype category sorting. — Haarg talk 08:57, 7 January 2008 (EST)