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Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

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Revision as of 06:55, 23 July 2007 by Weridguy (talk | contribs) (Single Player & Unlockables)
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The second Unreal game to make it's way to the Xbox and first game to be made after the new partnership between Epic and Midway. Release on April 18, 2005 the game was built from the ground up. The game included Midway's Mortal Kombat's Raiden as a playable character.

Game Play

The game included 14 selectable characters, six different game types, and over 35 maps.

Epic installed a new melee system into the game where the heavy characters have a more power but at the lost of their agility while vista versa with light characters. Unlike other Unreals, players would have to choose two weapons (one explosive and one energy) to use where the ammo for each would spread throughout the battlefield.

The game's single player includes a single tournament which involves Deathmatch, Team death match, Nali slaughter, Capture the flag, and overdose which is used to unlock characters and mutators which can be used for online play.


The choice of character would only effect your agility, strength of the sword, and health. Light are quick and agile but weak with melee strikes with low health while Heavy are slow but powerful high health.


Name - Species

Selket - Nakhti

Sapphire - Human

Lauren - Necris

Devastation - Liandri

Medium Anubis - Nakhti

Sobek - Nakhti

Malcolm - Human

Brock - Necris

Torgr - Skaarj

Raiden - Ancient

Heavy Arclite - Juggernaut

Gorge - Juggernaut

Szalor - Skaarj

Raptor - Liandri

Updated Characters








Merc Anubis

Necris Selket



There are three types of weapons. Energy weapons which are powered by tarydium crystal, Explosive weapons used by explosive ammo, and pistols.


  • Sniper Rifle Normally used to shoot from long distance, when used un-scoped it shoots three shots in a "W" shape. When scoped in it shoots one powerful shot that have the ability to get head shots. One of two weapons that can obtain headshots
  • Shock Rifle An Unreal classic weapon. Used like in other games, it can shoot a lightning or a ball. If/when a lightning meets a ball it explodes.
  • Bio-Rifle Can shoot single small balls or be charged up for one big ball. The big ball kills the enemy in one strike, the ball could also be turned into a cloud of poison while it is in the air.
  • Stinger: The new version for the mini-gun. The secondary fire shoots slow paced homing shoots.


  • Rocket Launcher The original Unreal weapon. The rocket launcher can shoot up to three rockets when charged up or even split into six when activated in mid-air
  • Flak Cannon A shot gun whose bullets can bounce of walls. It's secondary shoots a single ball that explodes on impact.
  • Grenade Launcher Shoots small balls that bounce around for a few seconds and explode when touched. It's secondary shoots a mine that is triggered by the shooter
  • Ripjack Decendent of the Ripper and Razorjack. The Ripjack shoots thin razorblades that can bounce of walls, floors, and ceilings. It's secondary attack shoots an explosive razor. One of two weapons that are capable for head-shots



Single Player & Unlockables

Single player is broken down into three sections. Ascension Rites, Tournaments, and Challenge each used to unlock new material that can be used for online play and single player.

Ascension Rites
Follow Anubis to the crown of champion and the heart of Selket.
Select a character and bring him through each level of play.
Select challenges to perform. Challenges include playing different scenarios of each gametype.



  • Apophis: defeat Ascension Rites.
  • Calypso: defeat Malcom Ladder.
  • Corrosion: defeat Anubis Ladder.
  • Darius: defeat Szalor Ladder.
  • Hyena: defeat Ascension Rites.
  • Jackhammer: defeat Arclite Ladder.
  • Judas: defeat Sapphire Ladder.
  • Korig: defeat Raptor Ladder.
  • Kraag: defeat Lauren Ladder.
  • Memphis: defeat Brock Ladder.
  • Mirage: defeat Sobek Ladder.
  • Nepthys: defeat Gorge Ladder.
  • Syzygy: defeat Devastation.




Multiplayer Awards
