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Originally posted in the old Capture website, at, now defunct. I had a copy in my backups.

Speech Binding Madness!

Have you ever seen someone that joins a public server and immediately start typing out their location and there exact amount of health while they move around the map? These "status" messages can be incredibly useful for teamwork, allowing teammates to coordinate their positions with their flag carrier or incoming enemies, without typing or using a voice communications program. This article will show you how to make these messages and other useful things to do with custom binds.

First of all, you'll need a pure-text capable editor; any version of Windows Notepad will do just fine. Open your UT2003 directory with the editor, then go to your System folder, and open user.ini. This is one of your main configuration files for UT2003 (the other being UT2003.ini) and in here, you can change key bindings, weapon preferences, player name (in fact, if you want to add fancy characters to your name, here's the place you can copy and paste them into under [DefaultPlayer] Name=). However, before playing around with these settings, you'll want to make a backup copy of this file in the event that something goes wrong. Now that we are all backed up, let's make a status bind so you'll look cool in the pubs!.

UT2003 supports several different variables that you can call to within your bind that will update according to your current status. These are

%l - gives the location of the player

%s - gives the number of shield points the player has %h - gives the health of the player %w - gives the current weapon that the player has out

%a - gives the current adrenaline that the player has

These are then inserted into the line that corresponds to the key that is being used to activate it. You can use the commands "say" and "teamsay" before entering a phrase that you want to have your character say (the same effect as typing it out by hand each time), and then comes the variable. For example, if you wanted the 'G' key to give your status with health and shield, as well as your location, but dont want all this information to be put on the same line in game, you would enter this into your [Engine.Input] down where the 'G' key is listed after the Aliases section:

G=teamsay STATUS>> %h, %s | teamsay LOCATION>> %l

The '|' in the middle is the equivalent of a new line, so when this is used in game, it will show up as such.

You can play around with these variables until you have something that suits your needs, but remember to be considerate and not make them take up too many lines when used, because you'll most likely use a bind like this more than once per minute in the heat of a battle. The teamsay variables (health, shield, location, etc.) usually only work in team games like CTF, BR, and TDM, but when pressed in a DM match, they only print the variable (%h) rather than the actual value associated with it (50 Health).

The teamsay and say can be used on their own, to convey a message like "Link Me" or "What's your status?" that don't require variables in them (see the Link Gun tip for a more specific example).

The various speech binds can be bound to specific keys, too. This can be done through UT2003's GUI (Go to Settings -> Speech from the Main Menu), or can be done through the User.ini using the list found below:

Usage example : "G=speech 0 0" (without the quotes).

Here is the list of sayings I figured out so far:

"speech 0 0"- Base is uncovered "speech 0 1"- Get our flag back "speech 0 2"- Ive got the flag "speech 0 3"- Ive got your back "speech 0 4"- Im Hit "speech 0 5"- Man Down "speech 0 6"- Im all alone here "speech 0 7"- Negative "speech 0 8"- Got it "speech 0 9"- Im in position "speech 0 10"- Im going in "speech 0 11"- Area Secure "speech 0 12"- Enemy flag carrier is here "speech 0 13"- I need backup "speech 0 14"- Incoming "speech 0 15"- Ball Carrier is here "speech 0 16"- Point alpha secure "speech 0 17"- Point Bravo secure "speech 0 18"- Attach alpha "speech 0 19"- Attack bravo "speech 0 20"- The base is onder attack "speech 0 21"- Were being overrun "speech 0 22"- Under heavy attack "speech 0 23"- Defend point alpha "speech 0 24"- Defend point bravo "speech 0 25"- Get the ball "speech 0 26"- Im on defense "speech 0 27"- Im on offense "speech 0 28"- take point alpha "speech 0 29"- take point bravo "speech 0 30"- Medic "speech 0 31"- Die "speech 0 32"- I can't feel my legs

You might want to include a statement at the end of it like this :

a= speech 0 1 | teamsay GET OUR FLAG BACK

That way the text comes up as well as the sound playing.

This is a more complete list (and also more "readable")

Game Speech Taunts: Acknowledge: speech ack 0 = "Alfirmative" speech ack 1 = "Got it!" speech ack 2 = "I'm on it!" speech ack 3 = "Roger"

Friendly Fire: speech friendlyfire 0 = "I'm On Your Team!" speech friendlyfire 1 = "I'm On Your Team, Idiot!" speech friendlyfire 2 = "Same Team!"

Orders: speech order 0 = "Defend The Base" speech order 1 = "Hold This Position" speech order 2 = "Attack" speech order 3 = "Cover Me" speech order 4 = "Search and Destroy"

Other: speech other 0 = "Base is undefended!" speech other 1 = "Somebody get our flag back!" speech other 2 = "I've got the flag" speech other 3 = "I've got your back" speech other 4 = "I'm hit!" speech other 5 = "Man down!" speech other 6 = "I'm all alone here" speech other 7 = "Negative!" speech other 8 = "I've got our flag" speech other 9 = "I'm in position %l" speech other 10 = "I'm going in!" speech other 11 = "Area is secure" speech other 12 = "Enemy flag carrier is %l" speech other 13 = "I need some backup" speech other 14 = "Incoming!" speech other 15 = "Enemy ball carrier is %l" speech other 16 = "Alpha secure!" speech other 17 = "Bravo secure!" speech other 18 = "Attack Alpha" speech other 19 = "Attack Bravo" speech other 20 = "The base is under attack %l" speech other 21 = "We're being overrun %l!" speech other 22 = "Under heavy attack %l" speech other 23 = "Defend point Alpha" speech other 24 = "Defend point Bravo" speech other 25 = "Get The Ball" speech other 26 = "I'm on defense" speech other 27 = "I'm on offense" speech other 28 = "Take point Alpha" speech other 29 = "Take point Bravo" speech other 30 = "Medic" speech other 31 = "Nice" speech other 32 = "I can't feel my legs" speech other 33 = "Nice Shot"

Taunts: speech taunt 0 ="And Stay Down" speech taunt 1 ="Anyone Else Want Some?" speech taunt 2 ="Boom!" speech taunt 3 ="BURN Baby" speech taunt 4 ="Die Bitch" speech taunt 5 ="Eat THAT" speech taunt 6 ="You Fight Like Nali" speech taunt 7 ="Is That Your Best?" speech taunt 8 ="Kiss My Ass" speech taunt 9 ="Loser" speech taunt 10 ="MY House" speech taunt 11 ="Next!" speech taunt 12 ="Oh YEAH!" speech taunt 13 ="Ownage" speech taunt 14 ="Seeya" speech taunt 15 ="That HAD To Hurt" speech taunt 16 ="Useless" speech taunt 17 ="You Play Like A Girl" speech taunt 18 ="You Be Dead" speech taunt 19 ="You Like That?" speech taunt 20 ="You Whore" speech taunt 21 = "Life Is Pain, Get Over It" speech taunt 22 = "Right Between The Eyes" speech taunt 23 = "Tag 'Em And Bag 'Em" speech taunt 24 = "That Was Nasty" speech taunt 25 = "You Bleed Better Than You Shoot" speech taunt 26 = "You Suck"

Used with permission from The '|' can be used to seperate lines and you can add additional text to the speech, like this:

F1=speech OTHER 12 | teamsay STATUS>> %H, %S | teamsay LOCATION>> %L

Beware though, the number of voice commands you can use in a certain time window is limited, so you may not want to bind all your status commands in with a speech command, unless you are prepared to have a delay in the usage.

Status and speech binds can be used very effectively to coordinate teamwork, or can be the source of much annoyance to other players. Make sure not to abuse the ability to modify client-side settings by spamming these messages incessantly. Have fun, and if you have any questions about the binds covered here, feel free to leave a comment below!

Written by ThRaWn70