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Revision as of 17:43, 18 November 2009 by Death to u (talk | contribs) (Mission Briefing)
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Necris troops flood down to Taryd every day through a massive Orbital Jumpgate. They've begun the process of terraforming the once barren lands of northern Taryd into a Necris stronghold. Strange structures are literally growing out of the snow, and nanoblack is pouring down from orbit to infect and change the landscape.
Unreal Tournament 3 map description
Screenshot of Avalanche
Full title Avalanche
Author(s) Epic Games
Players 8-12
Game Unreal Tournament 3
Gametype Warfare

Campaign Objectives

  • Nodes inside the cavern are crucial to controlling the battlefield.
  • Simultaneously control both Cave Nodes to summon an infection tube that drains the Enemy Prime Node.
  • A shaped charge is available in emergency situations.
  • Use the shaped charge to release an avalanche that buries enemies and unlocks your Prime Node.

Secondary Objectives

  • The east and west nodes, when captured by the same team, cause a massive tentacle to latch on to the opposing team's Prime Node, slowly sapping its health away. If the other team is not paying attention, they could be forced back to their prime node, which can be devastating to their offense if they're currently at the enemy prime node and attacking your core.
  • The Shaped Charge in this map can be used to destroy a barricade holding back a mountain of snow. When this happens an avalanche will occur (Hence the map name) and will wipe out the prime node, support nodes, and anyone in its path. Each base has one of these barricades, and they can only be used once per round each, so use them wisely. This objective only becomes available when the enemy team controls your prime node and your core is vulnerable. When this happens, the shaped charge spawns in your base. Keep in mind you cannot fire any other weapons while carrying the shaped charge. Even after the avalanche has been used, the shaped charge will spawn again if the enemy team captures the prime node again. While you cannot cause another avalanche, you can still use the Shaped Charge to great effect with careful placement- It can instantly destroy nodes, kill players in a small area, and even the powercore, if you should manage to be able to get close enough to it with one.



Single Player

Mission Briefing

Alright, listen up. We're winning this war, Ronin. We've pushed the Necris back to their Ingress, that huge infection tube in the mountains. It connects to an orbital platform and a jumpgate to Omicron 6. Our dearest friend, the High Inquisitor Akasha, recalled all troops for a delaying action while she heads home. Hah! Not on our watch. We're gonna break ranks and take out their core before that bitch bugs out on us.


  • Othello: Sweet! We're going snowboarding!
  • Jester: And the snowbunnies are waiting for you at the lodge...
  • Reaper: Yeah, the big BLUE lodge. We'll meet you there.