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Animals in Unreal 2

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Revision as of 07:11, 14 April 2008 by GreatEmerald (talk | contribs) (+ Killer Sprout, Killer Tadpole and Mukhogg)
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There are several animals found in Unreal 2. Some of them were cut from the game.

There are 20 animals that have their own actors:

  • Araknids (?)
  • Bellow fish
  • Cyprids
  • Cockroaches
  • Divers
  • Flying Snakes
  • Hummers
  • Killer Sprouts (?)
  • Killer Tadpoles
  • Mukhoggs
  • Paratas
  • Pinwheel Fish
  • Rammers
  • School Fish
  • Seagoats
  • Snipes
  • Spores (?)
  • Ugly Fish
  • Target Drones (?)
  • Water Dippers


Main Article: Araknids

Araknids are spiders that are found on Hell. Originally they are small, yellow, fast spiders that are easy to kill. But some araknids have been affected by the energy beam of an artifact and mutated to huge red or even gigantic yellow ones, that seem to be more intelligent than the small ones. See the main article for more details.

Bellow Fish

A bellow fish, seen in the mesh browser of UnrealEd

Bellow Fish are one of the species that was cut from the game. Their meshes, textures and an actor class are still in the game. The fish itself looked like a jellyfish, had five tentacles and was yellow colored. They probably lived in the Shian ocean and helped them in their battles. Their height was approximately half a human. Their animations (that are not viewable) are named Base (1 frame), HitGut01 (51 frame), RunFwrd01 (71 frame), Fall (41 frame) and FallDeath (41 frame). Their actor class contains no specific data.


A cyprid, how it could look and the mesh from above

Another unused animal. It seems that cyprids can not move, they are stationary. They appear cone-like, with the top of it being transcluent. They are small, not even high enough to reach a human's knee. They are colored red and blue. The mesh, the textures and the actor class is in the game. There are only two animations provided, the Base (1 frame) and the IdleWaitBreathe (81 frame). Their actor class contains no specific data.


Cockroaches of Unreal 2

Cockroaches are small bugs that are found running around in places people rarely check. They resemble the cockroaches of Earth. They are easily destroyable and cause no harm. Their actor class doesn't hold any code, except references to sounds and blood particles. Their animations are: Base (1 frame), IdleWaitBreathe01 (30 frames), IdleWaitBreathe02 (60 frames), IdleWaitBreathe03 (50 frames) and RunFwrd01 (10 frames).


A diver, seen in the mesh browser of UnrealEd

Divers are huge creatures, having the height of a human, and the wings length as four human arms. They aren't used in the game either. Their name suggests that they lived above the Shian ocean. They have two wings, four legs that look like tentacles, a strange head with four teeth and two horns. They have black skin. The divers can fly and dive into the ocean. They have a mesh, textures and an actor class that contains no specific information. The animations are: Base (1 frame), IdleWaitBreathe (40 frames), Fly01 (39 frames) and Fly2Dive (20 frames).

Flying Snake

Flying Snakes, UnrealEd screenshots

Flying snakes are flying animals that are found on Severnaya. They are almost as big as a human and has big wings. The flying snakes have a tail that splits to two and a small tongue. Generally they look like snakes with wings and usually don't attack players, unless are shot. They can dodge, use melee and air attacks, land on the ground and jump. Their actor class doesn't give anything specific though. It comes with a junior class, U2FlyingSnakeCorpse, that has a mesh of bloody Flying Snake and a comment:

MWP (mdf) -- is this class really necessary -- can't the LDs set this up in the editor?
UnrealEd 3.0 U2FlyingSnakeCorpse source


Hummers are animals that live on Na Koja Abad. They have blue and yellow skin, only reach to a knee of a human, has two wings, a long beak (similar to the Earth's colibris) and one big eye. Overall they look similar to Flying Snakes of Severnaya. Hummers can fly and tend to attack Snipes, another animal living on Na Koja Abad. They sometimes attack humans as well. Hummer's actor class doesn't give any specific information about it.

Killer Sprout

Killer Sprouts are strange creatures found on Acheron. They might be a part of the planet, an internal organ, but it is listed in the editor as another actor. It might a symbiotic creature as well. Killer sprouts have three red tendrils that can grab anyone that steps on a Killer Sprout. Then it binds the prey and slowly drains health. Killer sprouts can not be killed, but to get away from one you must shoot at it. Then the Killer Sprout will release the tendrils and let go. Without the tendrils, there is almost nothing more of the creature, only a small base. Killer sprouts only use melee and can not move. The comments in the code reveal some technical aspects of the Killer Sprouts:

NOTE: real (blocking) collision cylinder encompasses base only (not tentacles) and a "proxy" collision cylinder is used to detect enemies which are within reach of the tentacles. / TouchingHeight [is counted] from ground (including 2x normal collision height) / allocate a proxy collision cylinder for detecting when the tentacles are touched without blocking anything / collision proxy handles all touch/untouch notifications / Let Controller.NotifyTakeHit handle hit. / Super.PlayDying <...> [--] this is normally done in the animation controller, but this npc doesn't have one.
UnrealEd 3.0 U2KillerSprout source

Killer Tadpole

A Killer Tadpole, seen in the mesh browser of UnrealEd

Killer Tadpoles are unused creatures. They are fish-like, so it is most possible that they lived in the Shian ocean. They have blue, black and red coloured skin and two fins. It seems that it has bones and strong jaws. They have ten teeth on each side of their mouth. They also have two long limbs that probably helps when swimming. Killer Tadpoles could use only melee attacks and could swim normally and extra fast. Their actor, despite the fact that it is in the U2PawnBasic parent class, doesn't hold any code.


Mukhoggs are creatures found on Hell. They were probably brought there by the Axon Research Corporation for testing purposes. One Mukhogg is guarding the entrance to the facility. Mukhoggs are big bull-like animals that look scary. They aren't tough though. They have four big bloody fangs and a long tongue. Mukhoggs walk on four legs and have a small tail. They have wide backs, almost suitable for carrying things. Their skin is blue, wite and black. They are often found near Paratas and it seems that Mukhoggs enjoy eating them. The creatures charge, trying to hit the enemy with their long fangs. There aren't many Mukhoggs in the Hell level, but you get to watch the process of mutating a Mukhogg into a huge Mukhogg. In UnrealEd, Mukhoggs are called MiniMukhoggs and the giant Mukhoggs are simply called Mukhoggs.