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Chaos and death wait for those that stop to take a breath. Don't think... don't pause... don't even blink, Welcome to the league's futuristic take on the ancient art of jousting.
UT2004 map description
Full title Joust
Author(s) Joe Wilcox
Players 2
Music KR-Ghosts-of-Anubis
Game UT2004
Gametype Capture the Flag

Map Description

This map is shaped like the letter "I", where the flags are located on both ends of the vertical line. The player spawns at the ends of the horizontal lines, but on the side of the opponent's flag. To capture the flag the player must barrel down the narrow passage that directly connects the flagbases, while fighting/avoiding the other player.

Weapons & Pickups

Joust's weapons locations.


Weapon Count Ammo Ammo Location
Rocket Launcher 1 0 -
Lightning Gun 1 0 -


Pickup Count Location
None - -


  • There are only 2 spawn points per team. If you have more players than that on your team, you can stand on the enemy spawn points, preventing them from spawning. Your team is then free to score as many points as possible before an admin bans you for exploiting.
