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Deployables are items that can be deployed at will on the battlefield, adding a strategic element to battles. Deployables feature in Unreal 2, XMP, and in some Unreal Tournament 3 gametypes.

Unreal 2

U2's deployables can be picked up again and re-used elsewhere.

  • Auto Turret - automatic defensive turret, 350 health
  • Rocket Turret - automatic defensive turret, 500 health
  • Field Generator - pole-shaped generator used in pairs to create a Force Wall, 300 health
  • Land Mine - mine that can be placed on the ground
  • Trip Mine - mine that can be place on walls


XMP features U2's single player deployables as well as three deployable pickups. See U2's section for details. All turrets except for the pickups need energy to function.

  • Auto Turret - Tech
  • Rocket Turret - Tech
  • Field Generator - Tech
  • Land Mine - Gunner
  • Trip Mine - Gunner
  • Health Pack - Ranger, health pickup
  • Power Pack - Tech, shield pickup
  • Supply Pack - Gunner, ammo pickup

Unreal Tournament 3

Deployables in UT3 can be dropped by the Necris Nightshade vehicle.

  • Spider Mines - When deployed, a housing structure for spider mines is dropped. Spider mines will stay near it until an enemy comes within a certain range, at which point they will scurry after him, jump onto him, and explode. The mines can also be guided away from the home by the AVRiL's alt-fire, which is a red laser beam. The mines themselves are similar to those of the Mine Layer.
  • Slow Cube - Green, gelatinous looking cube that slows down everything inside it, including weapon fire
  • Shaped charge - Plastic explosive that can be detonated to do massive damage in an area; can destroy certain barriers in Warfare that cannot be destroyed by any other means; similarly, can trigger certain events in some maps
  • Energy Shield - A blue, somewhat spherical shield about the same size as the Slow Cube, the Energy Shield blocks all weapon fire but allows players and vehicles to pass through it.