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UT3 nemesis.png
Health: 600
Number of Seats: 1
Driver Abilities: fire, zoom, change stance
Main Uses: attack, defense, deterence

Basic Information

The Nemesis is the unholy spawn of a mobile turret and a main battle tank. Two segmented hover treads, separated by a glowing nanocore propulsion engine, creep across any terrain in a nearly organic fashion. The center piece of the Nemesis is an actuated plasmid turret capable of attacking in any of three transforming configurations. When compacted, the turret locks into a forward facing position and all energy is funneled into the hover treads. This dramatically lowers the overall profile of the vehicle and allows for a great boost in speed. When fully engaged, the turret rises up to great heights, and the plasmid energy of the nanocore can be seen from great distances. Such a sight should be taken as a warning, as a Nemesis turret in this state is capable of delivering a rapid fire plasma beam with immense power and devastating accuracy.
UT3 manual


Using the Nemesis

Going against the Nemesis

The Nemesis is probably the most uncomfortable Necris vehicle to fight against. Although three direct AVRiL hits should take it out, you usually don't get enough chances to fire an AVRiL rocket at it and make sure it hits.