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Neve's Crossing

From Liandri Archives

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Description: After you pass the first level, you come to Neve's Crossing, this level has the first Skaarj in the campaign, this level is nearly completely out-doors, with some Nali houses here and there.

Walk through

Note: The difficulty is on medium.

When you first open the doors where you start in the beginning of the map, you should see a bunch of boxes piled up on top of each other along with some decoration, trees and plants. There will be a Brute in front of the boxes so get ready to blow him up, there is also an ASMD Shock Rifle, you should pick it up, and anything else around there, after you kill him, and finish doing what ever you need to there, there will be a Skaarj up ahead, but he will be looking the other way so he won't notice you unless you make a sound loud enough, you should take advantage of this and take as much health away from him as possible, so he wont pester you.

There is a lake and a tower in it that you should see where the Skaarj was, swim to the bottom of it and take the Grenade Launcher and the ammo, watch for Devil Fish now there should be a small opening in the tower, underwater, go in it and up to the surface, there should be two candles illuminating the room, and an elevator that leads to a Flak Cannon. There is also a tunnel at the left end of the small lake, if you go into it and the first opening to the right, there is a dead Nali with a translator message there, as well as a clip, it isn't very useful but it's still something. If you keep going straight afterwards, you'll come to the other side of the mountain, which saves you from a few Skaarj, but if you like to kill, go back and and go under the bridge and you'll meet with two Skaarj.

There is another tower in the water on the other side of the bridge, I recommend you get the equipment there, there is a Stinger and a few clips of ammo and so forth. There is a UMS crate containing equipment as well, when you continue from the tower, there will be a Skaarj with his back turned on you in front of that. There is a Nali house with no Nali in it, just a dead guy with an Automag along with a translator message. There is also Tarydium shards for your stinger, and a clip, there will be Nali fruit outside of that. There is a couple of Nali cows in front of that, don't shoot them unless you're really craving to kill something, don't mess with them either, if you jump on them, they'll start making that annoying sound.

Continue on and go over the bridge with a bunch of Krall on it, there will be some ammo and UMS crates on it. There will also be a couple of those annoying carnivore dinosaur bastards up ahead, followed by two wells, the first one will not be open, and if it was it would only lead back the wrong way. Jump into the second one and move onto the next level.