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UMS Prometheus

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For the ship, see UMS Prometheus (ship).

UMS Prometheus is a mission centered around the ship UMS Prometheus in Unreal - Return to Na Pali. }}

This level is the beginning of Prisoner 8-4-9's trek into the UMS Prometheus, which is swarming with mercenaries.

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Approaching UMS Prometheus (map)


Description: This is the entry point where the player goes into the Prometheus, encountering Mercenary forces as he does.

Author: Matthias Worch

Walk through

You start at the elevator you came up from the last map, go out of the small cave, jump down to the second ledge, the one below the one you're on, destroy the barrel to get some equipment, then continue on ahead. There will be a Gasbag to the left above your head, you should see the side of the Prometheus by now, there is a UMS crate near there to the left behind a large rock formation that contains a grenade launcher, it's near a Nali fruit, to get it go past the rocks that surround the fruit, after that, go back and go left to the edge of it and go under it, keep going leftwards until you see two bridges that attach part of the UMS together, then turn right, you should see a mercenary guarding the entrance. There will be a mercenary elite behind a bunch of boxes, to the right of the opposite of where the entrance to the Prometheus is facing there is a door that can be opened, unlike the other which is broken because of the crash. Go through the door and down the hall with bodies everywhere, there are two mercenaries waiting for you.

If you want to go to the room with the two mercenaries to kill them and take the equipment you can, there is a grenade launcher somewhere around there, probably near the middle of the room, after you're finished with all that proceed over the bridge After that there are two ways you can go, left, or right, the left will have a mercenary waiting for you, along with a hole in the floor that can lead to your burning death, there will be more mercenaries facing the left door after you proceed after killing the mercenary waiting for you. The right hall has a few health packs, the mercenaries will not be able to find you if you're sneaky enough when going to the right. If you did go to the right, continue onwards until you find a dead guy on the floor, there is a first aid there, just break the glass and the health will pop out, go up the elevator, then go to the left. If you went to the left, after killing the mercenaries, carefully jump on the debris and into the large tunnel which is suppose to be the fuel tank I guess. After finishing collecting health and equipment if you went to the right, you'll have to go back to the elevator you went up to, jump in that fuel tank that's open with lava on the floor, jump in and continue.

Be careful inside because it will shake and some pieces of the metal pathway will break, allowing easy contact with you and the lava, when you get to the end, go up and out of the area by climbing out of the hole in the ship if you go over the ship to the left side there will be two mercenaries, there will also be a UMS crate with two health packs in it, there's a hole in the left side of the ship, after you exit the rooms with the holes in it, go to the elevator on the right that leads to the higher bridge, then go right after the sign that says "Crew Berths" there will be about eight or nine rooms or so, there will be a small squad of mercenaries that will ambush you so be careful, I recommend you poke around all the rooms and collect the equipment, there will be pretty useful things in there., there is a door on the left that will lead to the medical lab, that's what it looks like anyway, there will be a hole in the floor in the middle of the room leading to another even more destroyed room with water, go there to proceed to the next level.

Inside UMS Prometheus (map)


Description: This is the map where the player completes his mission the UMS (United Military Services) assigns to him, but he also finds a transmission there, discovering that they plan to eliminate him when he gets back, betrayed, he tries to escape the UMS, several squads of UMS Marines try to stop him on his way through towards the trench, after defeating them, he continues on.

Author:Matthias Worch

Walk through

You begin in a room with water filling it, cables and computers are destroyed and the lights are flickering, barley able to work, proceed out of the room once you're ready. once you exit the small room, go into another room to the right, there will be a Searchlight in there, you'll need it, continue through the hallway door after you're done. go in the hole in the wall, use your searchlight to illuminate the dark tube, when you exit it, there will be a room halfway filled with water, there will be about three or four of those blobs that can and will attack you under the water. After you're done, go in the tube in the far left, and down to the exit of the annoying tunnel, break the glass to get out when you fall to the bottom of it. When you exit you should find a well-lit room with some boxes here and there, exit the room and go to the door at the right, there you will find a few mercenaries waiting for you, there will not be anything in the other door before that to the left, it will be blocked by a dead guy and boxes piled on top of each other.

Once you're done with the mercenaries, climb up and break the window to enter the ship's communication room, there you will find the mission objective, to get he weapon logs, proceeding onwards, there will be a corpse with a red book beside him, there will also be the weapon logs the player is required to acquire to complete his mission, grab them, and go to the computer near the door. there you will find a scene where the player finds a recorded transmission, saying that for security risks among other things, once Operation 'Talen hunter' is completed, prisoner 849 will be dealt with as commanded from the starlight base. After the scene the door beside you will open, leading to two mercenaries who are waiting for you, after you've killed them, I recommend you go around finding anything useful, any equipment, health, armor, weaponry, and ammo because you will soon be fighting a large squad of those UMS Marines.

The marines will not be easy, unless you are on the easy difficulty mode, after you finish collecting what ever you need from that level of the ship, go in the turbo lift to the top level which has holes in each of the walls, there will be armor around there. Go to the elevator there, which leads to the navigation room, go near the buttons to activate it, then the marines will start coming down and attacking you, there will be a bunch of them so be prepared. If you stay inside they're going to go inside to find you anyways, so it's better to charge at them with caution, the missile launcher and grenade launcher are useful there. The marines will spawn at each end of the ship, and the middle sides too, they will use Combat Assault Rifles, and Missile Launchers, it's better to fight fire with fire on this one.


The only way to continue is to kill all the marines, so you'll have to do it whether you like it or not, there will be two different types of marines, their suit looks the same, but the color isn't, the green ones which you will face more, are weaker than the silver suited marines, they both have ugly suits though. After you're done, go to the end of the ship, where there will be a teleporter effect that the marines used, it will destroy a piece of the large rock formation, that will make a hole, go in the hole and continue onwards , there will be Spinners waiting for you after you go up the elevator, kill them and go through the doors to continue to the next map. The log entry the player records explains that he found a radio on one of the marines, there is a signal leading to another squad of marines held up in a fortress, or the nali castle, where there is a shuttle that he is going to get to escape.