A textbook Liandri ore processing facility located at Earth’s Mohorovicic discontinuity roughly below Mexico. Phased ion shields hold back the intense heat and pressure characteristics of deep lithosphere mining.
Unreal Tournament map description
Map description
Weapons & Pickups
Tips & tricks
- Get to the Sniper Balcony and start popping heads off.
- There was a planned external section for this map, with several areas.
Unreal Tournament
- Gametype: Deathmatch
- Score limit: 30
- Rivals: Botanika, Barktooth, Rhea, Dovienya, Deslok
Depending if you're playing the GOTY ladder or the retail ladder, your previous map might have been DM-Barricade (retail) or DM-ShrapnelII (GOTY).
Unreal Tournament (PS2)
- Gametype: Deathmatch
- Score limit: 25
- Rivals: Barktooth, Baetal, Botanika
DM-Agony, DM-ArcaneTemple, DM-Babylon, DM-Barricade, DM-Bishop, DM-BlockParty, DM-Brickyard, DM-CanyonFear, DM-Closer, DM-Coagulate, DM-Codex, DM-ColdSteelPressure, DM-Conveyor, DM-Core, DM-Crane, DM-CurseII, DM-CybrosisII, DM-Damnation, DM-Deck16II, DM-Depot, DM-Dust, DM-Fetid, DM-Flux, DM-Fractal, DM-GearBox, DM-Girder, DM-Google, DM-Gothic, DM-Grinder, DM-Grit-TOURNEY, DM-Halberd, DM-HealPodII, DM-Hood, DM-HyperBlast, DM-Industrial, DM-Infernal, DM-Instinct, DM-KGalleon, DM-Liandri, DM-Loathing, DM-Malevolence, DM-Megaplex, DM-MojoII, DM-MorbiasII, DM-Morpheus, DM-Nebula, DM-NeoTokyo, DM-Oblivion, DM-Outskirts, DM-Paladin, DM-Pantheon, DM-Peak, DM-Phobos, DM-Pressure, DM-Pyramid, DM-Sector9, DM-ShrapnelII, DM-Singularity, DM-Sorayama, DM-SpaceNoxx, DM-Stalwart, DM-StalwartXL, DM-StationControl, DM-Tempest, DM-Turbine, DM-Tutorial, DM-Underlord, DM-Viridian-TOURNEY, DM-Zeto