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Follow the corridor. A Mercenary will dart out from a corner ahead; kill it. Continue along the corridor - half way along a panel will spring into life on the left [1].
Follow the corridor. A Mercenary will dart out from a corner ahead; kill it. Continue along the corridor - half way along a panel will spring into life on the left [1].
Go along to the corner and collect the Health Pack there (remember the Respawning Health Pack over the force field bridge if you need more). Go round the corner and follow the next stretch, but watch out for a gap in the walkway about half way along with molten metal beneath where one of the circuit networks has overloaded. Go through the door at the far end of the corridor. You emerge on a raised platform with a ramp descending to a damaged engine pipe surrounded by molten metal ahead. Watch out for a MercenaryElite which attacks from the right. If you back off into the corridor, mind that broken walkway.
When the Mercenary is dead, descend the ramp and collect the two 50 bullet CAR Clips from the corpse on the floor to the right of the ramp.
After killing the mercenaries, carefully jump on the debris and into the large tunnel which is suppose to be the fuel tank I guess. After finishing collecting health and equipment if you went to the right, you'll have to go back to the elevator you went up to, jump in that fuel tank that's open with lava on the floor, jump in and continue.
After killing the mercenaries, carefully jump on the debris and into the large tunnel which is suppose to be the fuel tank I guess. After finishing collecting health and equipment if you went to the right, you'll have to go back to the elevator you went up to, jump in that fuel tank that's open with lava on the floor, jump in and continue.

Revision as of 04:37, 25 May 2010


UMS Prometheus is the seventh map in Unreal - Return to Na Pali's single player game.

Author: Matthias Worch

Description: This is the entry point where the player goes into the Prometheus, encountering Mercenary forces as he does so.


The UMS Prometheus went down in a deep valley, breaking into two halves on impact. Now, as your mission for the UMS is approaching completion, you are about to face a tough slog of Mercenaries infesting the downed vessel.

You start at the top of the lift you took to exit the previous level. You are in a small rock canyon. Step forwards and you'll reach a ledge where the ground drops away below.

To the right at the end of this lege is an entrance in the rock cliff but it is impassable, blocked off by planks. Look instead down off the ledge; you will see the ground below and another ledge part of the way down on which there is a barrel. Drop down on to this intermediate ledge and shoot the barrel open for a Nali Fruit Seed.

Drop down to the ground level. At the head of the canyon is nothing but a boulder-blocked tunnel you may recognise from the previous map. So, go instead down past some hay bales to the mouth of the canyon. At the mouth of the canyon, you emerge in the huge valley that holds the towering crashed ship. Watch out for a Gasbag that descends from the left.

Kill the Gasbag and climb the slanting rock on the right to collect a Nali Healing Fruit from a small plateau. Then, return to ground level and head through the valley to the left towards a UMS drop box that you saw from your high vantage point in the previous map. Open the box for a Grenade Launcher.

Continue straight on from the drop box until you reach a pillar of rock. Go down the earth slope to the right beneath the crashed ship and follow round the edge of the rock pillar. You will soon find yourself in the gap between the two halves of the crashed ship, with a pair of force field bridges above connecting the broken corridors.

Go towards the force field bridges then veer off to the right beneath the hull of the ship. You will see that you are approaching an access ramp into the ship that is guarded by a Mercenary. Kill the Mercenary with your Grenade Launcher. I would emphasise at this point that the Grenade Launcher and CAR would be your weapons of choice for this level because of the types of ammo you are going to find on the Terran ship.

When the Mercenary is dead, destroy wooden crates to the left of the ramp for a Flare and a box of 50 Bullets. Collect the gear, then go up the ramp into one of the ship's ammo storage holds. Your arrival inside will quickly attract the attention of a Mercenary and a MercenaryElite on guard in the hold. Back off down the ramp and kill the pair; be particularly careful of the MercenaryElite's ability to fire whilst shielded.

When the guards are dead, climb the ramp once more. If you go to the right and approach the door there, you will find that it will not open properly. So, follow further round to the right behind the crates there and go to the far end of the hold. There, you will find a crate open with two 50 bullet CAR Clips on offer. Avoid the door to the left at this end of the room, and go further again round to the right. You will see a third door ahead, but go round to the right once more first to grab a pack of 10 Grenades.

Return to this third door and go through it. You will emerge in one of the ship's corridors. The corridor leads to the left; follow it to the next entrance, jumping over debris from a collapsed door and going through the doorway from which the door evidently fell. You will be in another ammo hold. As you enter, watch out for a Mercenary and a MercenaryElite who attack, coming through the door ahead.

Cross the hold to the far side. There, open crates reveal a Rocket Launcher and a pack of 10 Rockets. Go through the door on this side to enter a corridor parallel to the previous one. Left is doubling back, so go along to the right. The corridor turns a right corner and soon reaches a central point where the lower of the two force field bridges stretches across from the entrance to the left, while a door marked "Turbo-lift" sits to the right. Near this junction, a Health Pack sits beneath a unit marked "First Aid Station". Collect the pack. If you need any further health, then wait a few seconds and the health will respawn and you can collect it again. There is no limit on the use of this Respawning Health Pack.

You can look through the turbo-lift door, but the lift is raised and you will be squished if it comes down. So, go to the left out on to the force field bridge and cross to the other half of the broken ship. As you reach the far side, there will be a small ship-quake. Ignore this and look around. You are at a corridor junction; ahead is a turbo-lift in the down position, and there are hatch doors on either side. Step into the turbo-lift first. At the top, you will find that a force field blocks the exit, behind which a MercenaryElite is directing a Mercenary with a hovering carrier.

Ride the lift back down and step out. Turn around so that you stand facing the turbo-lift then go through the door that is now on the left.

Follow the corridor. A Mercenary will dart out from a corner ahead; kill it. Continue along the corridor - half way along a panel will spring into life on the left [1].

Go along to the corner and collect the Health Pack there (remember the Respawning Health Pack over the force field bridge if you need more). Go round the corner and follow the next stretch, but watch out for a gap in the walkway about half way along with molten metal beneath where one of the circuit networks has overloaded. Go through the door at the far end of the corridor. You emerge on a raised platform with a ramp descending to a damaged engine pipe surrounded by molten metal ahead. Watch out for a MercenaryElite which attacks from the right. If you back off into the corridor, mind that broken walkway.

When the Mercenary is dead, descend the ramp and collect the two 50 bullet CAR Clips from the corpse on the floor to the right of the ramp.

After killing the mercenaries, carefully jump on the debris and into the large tunnel which is suppose to be the fuel tank I guess. After finishing collecting health and equipment if you went to the right, you'll have to go back to the elevator you went up to, jump in that fuel tank that's open with lava on the floor, jump in and continue.

Be careful inside because it will shake and some pieces of the metal pathway will break, allowing easy contact with you and the lava, when you get to the end, go up and out of the area by climbing out of the hole in the ship if you go over the ship to the left side there will be two mercenaries, there will also be a UMS crate with two health packs in it, there's a hole in the left side of the ship, after you exit the rooms with the holes in it, go to the elevator on the right that leads to the higher bridge, then go right after the sign that says "Crew Berths" there will be about eight or nine rooms or so, there will be a small squad of mercenaries that will ambush you so be careful, I recommend you poke around all the rooms and collect the equipment, there will be pretty useful things in there., there is a door on the left that will lead to the medical lab, that's what it looks like anyway, there will be a hole in the floor in the middle of the room leading to another even more destroyed room with water, go there to proceed to the next level.

Translator messages

  1. "UMS Prometheus - Power Circuits: Warning: Circuit Overload detected in Network 1"
  2. "UMS Prometheus - Power Circuits: Warning: Circuit Overload detected in Network 2"
  3. "UMS Prometheus - Power Circuits: Status: Network 3 Normal"
  4. "UMS Prometheus - Engine 1 Status: Warning: Power level approaching limit | Warning: Pressure level approaching limit"
  5. "UMS Prometheus - Engine 1 Status: Warning: Power level approaching limit | Critical: Pressure level exceeded limit!"
  6. "UMS Prometheus - Information Terminal: --- Information Network Offline ---
  7. "Log Andrew G. Jackson, Medical Officer: This has been a smooth ride, no major incidents for almost 2 weeks. And I'm still getting full payment. I think work doesn't get much better than this."
  8. "Log Oliver F. Russel, Scientific Assistant: I know that we got something in the water tanks again. Peter saw some kind of slimeball through the pipe controls again. Looks like another long night of water analysis. God, I hate space vermin..."

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