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The Grand Tournament takes place in year 2291. You take the place of a warrior, with an already established team, and must win all the challenges in the Tournament ladders in order to get acces to the Challenge and beat Xan Kriegor for good.



  • Thunder Crash: The default team. If you select any other team, they will take their place in the ladder.
"Thunder Crash is the current big city favorite, sporting a calculated balance of strength and style, they always manage to crush the opposition and look good at the same time."
  • Members: Malcom, Aryss, Othello, Azure, Riker, Annaka, Tamika and Ryanna.
"The Dark Phalanx are an honorable collection of military specialists. All have proven themselves in the Human/Skaarj war and now seek glory in the ranks of the Tournament."
  • Members: Ivana, Farham, Nikita, Gorn, Anna, Whitman, Iyrash and Nickolai.
"A powerful team of Necris Phayder assassins that seek to dominate the Tournament. By destroying Xan Kriegor, the corrupt Tournament champion, the Legion believes it can take control of Liandri operations."
  • Members: Cryss, Kragoth, Freylis, Malakai, Visse, Necroth, Malise and Grail.
"Reavers are interested in fame and fortune. They seek to win the Tournament for the prize that victory offers: nearly limitless wealth and power."
  • Members: Kyla, Boris, Mariana, Luthor, Jayce, Ramirez, Tanya and Graves.
"This veteran squad of elite warriors once served as personal bodyguards to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. After Jihan's assassination, the Iron Guard found themselves unemployed and the Tournament was an ideal arena to vent their aggression."
  • Members: Harlin, Rylisa, Johnson, Lauren, Brock, Rankin, Sara, Shyann.
"Only men are allowed in the fighting force known as "RawSteel". An amalgamation of human muscle and polyfoam materials, "RawSteel" upholds strength and power over other virtues."
  • Members: Arkon, Bruce, Kregore, Manwell, Slain, Rolph, Arnold, Lugar.
  • Venom: A women-only squad.
"Venom is an elite faction of warriors and athletes. Every member is female and all fight solely for their own enjoyment."
  • Members: Athena, Cilia, Sarena, Tara, Zanna, Lovelace, Xyra, Ada.


NOTE: Both Skaarj teams belong to the GOTY ladder.

"The New Earth Government has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars. The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research, using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops."
  • Members: Reaper, Baetal, Pharoh, Skrilax, Anthrax and Entropy.
"The New Earth Government has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars. The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research, using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops."
  • Members: Dominator, Berserker, Guardian, Devastator, Pestilence and Plague.
  • The Corrupt: A bot clan only available in the console versions, they're normally the latest team you'll play.
"The Corrupt is Liandri's sponsored team entry in the Tournament. It is entirely made up of the best advanced AIs that the corporation's wealth can buy, and features the reigning Tournament Champion, Xan Kriegor, as its leader."
  • Members: Tensor, Silicon, Matrix, Vector, Cathode.

PC Demo Walkthrough

Deathmatch ladder

Deathmatch ladder
Map Rivals Fraglimit Notes
Deathmatch tutorial Slain 3 When you get to fight Slain, you are invulnerable.
DM-Turbine Slasher, Botanika, Kregore, Skirge 20 Unlocked from the beginning.
DM-Phobos Malcom, Doc Zenith, Riker, Bruce, Darhl 20
DM-Morpheus Hijinxs, Genghis, Deslok, Bruce 20 Win to unlock the Domination ladder.
DM-Tempest Malcom, Doc Zenith, Riker, Bruce, Darhl 25

Domination ladder

Domination ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Scorelimit Notes
Domination Tutorial Raw Steel 2 30 After the bots are spawned, you gain invulnerability.
DOM-Sesmar Raw Steel 5 100

Capture The Flag ladder

Domination ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Scorelimit Notes
Capture The Flag Tutorial Raw Steel 2 30 After the bots are spawned, you gain invulnerability.
CTF-Coret Raw Steel 4 3

PC Walkthrough (Retail & GOTY)

NOTE: In order to play through the GOTY ladder, you must have UT updated to v436, the Epic Bonus Pack and, at least, the map CTF-Orbital from the DE Bonus Pack installed. Plus, you need to change a line in UnrealTournament.ini: in the section [UTMenu.UTLadder], the property bGOTY must be bGOTY=True.

Deathmatch ladder

Deathmatch ladder
Map Rivals Fraglimit Notes
Deathmatch tutorial Slain 3 When you get to fight Slain, you are invulnerable.
DM-Oblivion Blake 10 Unlocked from the beginning.
DM-Stalwart Kryss, Calameth 10
DM-Fractal Luthienne 15 Win to unlock the Domination ladder.
DM-Turbine Slain, Annaka, Kali, Lexington 15
DM-Codex Arkoth 24, Visse, Kragoth 20
DM-Pressure Archon, Nikki, Raven, Bart 20
DM-ArcaneTemple Dominator, Baetal, Skrilax, Reaper, Berserker 25 Only available in GOTY ladder.
DM-Grinder Hijinxs, Xoleras, Cadaver 20
DM-Malevolence Reaper, Loque 20 Only available in GOTY ladder.
DM-KGalleon Vanessa, Rath, Jayce, Fuego 25
DM-Tempest Damascus, Darhl, Anna, Gilfred, Tajheri 25
Arys, Blake, Genghis, Kryss, Azure 25 Shrapnel replaces Barricade in the GOTY ladder.
The unpatched retail (v400) ladder adds Loque as another contestant.
DM-Liandri Botanika, Barktooth, Rhea, Dovienya, Deslok 30
DM-Conveyor Arys, Nikki, Ice Weasel, Barktooth, Andrew, Toe Cutter 30
DM-Peak Vanessa, Dovienya, Leeb, Drimacus 30

Domination ladder

Domination ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Scorelimit Notes
Domination Tutorial Iron Guard 2 25 After the bots are spawned, you gain invulnerability.
DOM-Condemned Iron Guard 3 100 Unlocked from the beginning
DOM-Ghardhen Blood Reavers 4 100
DOM-Cryptic Raw Steel 4 100 Win to unlock the Capture The Flag ladder.
DOM-Cinder Black Legion 4 125
DOM-Gearbolt Venom 4 125
DOM-Leadworks Blood Reavers 5 150
DOM-Olden Iron Guard 5 150
DOM-Sesmar Iron Skull 5 175
DOM-MetalDream Dark Phalanx 5 200

Capture The Flag ladder

Capture The Flag ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Capturelimit Notes
Capture The Flag Tutorial Iron Guard 2 3 After the bots are spawned, you gain invulnerability.
CTF-Niven Blood Reavers 2 3 Unlocked from the beginning
CTF-Face Raw Steel 4 3
CTF-EternalCave Iron Guard 4 3 Win to unlock the Assault ladder.
CTF-Coret Blood Reavers 4 3
CTF-Gauntlet Iron Guard 4 3
CTF-Dreary Black Legion 5 3
CTF-Command Dark Phalanx 5 3
CTF-LavaGiant Iron Skull 5 3
CTF-November Venom 5 3
CTF-Hydro16 Raw Steel 6 3 Only available in the GOTY ladder.
CTF-Orbital Red Claw 6 3 Only available in the GOTY ladder.

Assault ladder

Assault ladder
Map Rivals Players per team Timelimit (Min) Notes
Assault Tutorial Iron Guard 2 20 After the bots are spawned, you gain invulnerability.
AS-Frigate Black Legion 4 6
AS-HiSpeed Blood Reavers 4 7
AS-Rook Red Claw 4 4
AS-Mazon Iron Guard 4 10
AS-OceanFloor Venom 4 6
AS-Overlord Dark Phalanx 5 7

Challenge ladder

Unlocked by beating the four previous ladders.

Challenge ladder
Map Rival(s) Fraglimit Notes
DM-Phobos Vector, Cathode, Matrix, Silicon, Divisor 15
DM-Morpheus Divisor, Tensor, Cathode, Function 15
DM-Zeto Vector, Enigma, Tensor, Silicon, Cathode 15
DM-Hyperblast Xan 15 Win to unlock Xan and win the Tournament.

Playstation 2 Walkthrough

Deathmatch ladder

Deathmatch ladder
Map Rivals Fraglimit Notes
Deathmatch tutorial
DM-Oblivion Blake 15
DM-Stalwart Kryss, Calameth 20
DM-Turbine Annaka, Cali, Lexington, Slain 20 Win to unlock the DOM ladder.
DM-Codex Arkoth, Krath, Visse 20
DM-Pressure Bart, Nikki, Raven, Archon 20
DM-Deck16][ Berserker, Xoleras, Cadaver 20
DM-Tempest Gilfred, Anna, Damascus, Tajheri, Darhl 25
DM-Curse][ Genghis, Disconnect, Kryss, Arys 25
DM-Liandri Barktooth, Baetal, Botanika 25
DM-KGalleon Vanessa, Rath, Jayce, Fuego 25
DM-Agony Ice Weasel, Skrilax, Arys 25
DM-Zeto Silicon, Matrix, Cathode, Vector, Tensor 25

Domination ladder

Domination ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Scorelimit Notes
Domination tutorial
DOM-Condemned Iron Guard 3 100
DOM-Osiris Black Legion 3 100
DOM-Lament Blood Reavers 4 100 Win to unlock the CTF ladder.
DOM-Cinder Raw Steel 4 125
DOM-Gearbolt Venom 4 125
DOM-Olden Iron Skull 4 150
DOM-Sesmar The Corrupt 4 175

Capture The Flag ladder

Capture The Flag ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Capturelimit Notes
Capture The Flag tutorial
CTF-Niven Iron Guard 3 3
CTF-Sepulchre Dark Phalanx 3 3
CTF-EternalCave Black Legion 4 3 Win to unlock the AS ladder.
CTF-Face Blood Reavers 3 3
CTF-Coret Raw Steel 4 3
CTF-Gauntlet Venom 4 3
CTF-Dreary Dark Phalanx 4 3
CTF-LavaGiant Iron Skull 4 3
CTF-November The Corrupt 4 3

Assault ladder

Assault ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Notes
Assault tutorial
AS-Frigate Black Legion 4
AS-HiSpeed Blood Reavers 4
AS-Rook Raw Steel 4 Win to unlock the Challenge ladder.
AS-Mazon Iron Skull 4
AS-OceanFloor The Corrupt 4
AS-Overlord Dark Phalanx 4

Final Challenge

Challenge ladder
Map Rival Fraglimit Notes
DM-Phobos Damien 15
DM-Flux Rampage 15
DM-Malevolence Dominator 15
DM-Hyperblast Xan 15

Sega Dreamcast Walkthrough

This ladder, unlike the previous two ladders, doesn't feature descriptions for the maps.

Deathmatch ladder

Deathmatch ladder
Map Rivals Fraglimit Notes
Deathmatch tutorial
DM-Oblivion Blake 15
DM-Stalwart Kregore, Arkon 20
DM-Halberd Slain, Othello, Riker 20
DM-HealPod][ Krath, Visso, Arkoth, Lexington 20
DM-Nebula Archon, Raven, Tensor 20
DM-Codex Slain, Xoleras, Cadaver 20
DM-Pressure Damascus, Darhl, Rankin, Gilfred 25
DM-Deck16][ Genghis, Disconnect, Tonne 25
DM-Curse][ Doviensk, Baetal, Cristof, Botanika 25
DM-Liandri Rath, Drake, Matrix 25
DM-Barricade Riker, Wraith, Rankin, Loque 25
DM-Agony Tensor, Vector, Matrix, Cathode, Silicon 25

Domination ladder

Domination ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Scorelimit Notes
Domination tutorial
DOM-Condemned Iron Guard 3 100
DOM-Osiris Raw Steel 3 100
DOM-Coagulate Thunder Crash 3 125
DOM-Ghardhen Raw Steel 4 125
DOM-Lament The Corrupt 4 125
DOM-Cinder Raw Steel 4 150
DOM-Gearbolt The Corrupt 4 150
DOM-Olden The Corrupt 4 175

Capture The Flag ladder

Capture The Flag ladder
Map Rival Team Players per team Capturelimit Notes
Capture The Flag tutorial
CTF-Sepulchre 2 3
CTF-Niven 3 3
CTF-Face 3 3
CTF-EternalCave 4 3
CTF-Sundial 3 3
CTF-Coret 4 3
CTF-Gauntlet 4 3
CTF-Face][ 3 3
CTF-Dreary 4 3
CTF-Command 4 3
CTF-LavaGiant 4 3

Final Challenge

Challenge ladder
Map Rival Fraglimit Notes
DM-Phobos Damien 15
DM-Flux Rampage 15
DM-Malevolence Dominator 15
DM-Hyperblast Xan 15