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Life in Tokaido relies heavily on the infrastructure of the Kimpu Market District. People purchase food there, shop, gather for social occasions, and even buy their fuel in this one centralized location. In a surprise move, a terrorist cell has invaded the Market, scared off the locals, and shut down all business in and out of the district.
Unreal Tournament 3 map description
Screenshot of Market District
Full title Market District
Author(s) Epic Games
Players 6-10
Music RomAsia02 (Arrangement B)
Game Unreal Tournament 3
Gametype Warfare



Tips and Tricks

  • Holding the east and west node at the same time raises the enemy core so it can be attacked from outside the base.
  • Team ownership of the center node is indicated by the color of nearby lanterns.
  • Availability of the UDamage on each side is indicated by the "Buck Love" signs at both ends of the UDamage alleys.
  • When controlling a support node, you can use its nearby rail turret to defend the center node.

Campaign Info


"Time to take down another power core. The old market centers both have nodes powering defense turrets. If we can take them both, we'll overload the enemy core shields and their core will be raised and exposed. Then we use the turrets to finish them off from a distance. We're using the 'Node Buster' Orb and Hoverboards this time. Expect more intel on the field."

Mission Objectives

  • Control the Prime Node to access your enemy's Core.
  • Control Support Nodes to unlock mobile laser turrets.
  • Use the mobile turrets to protect the Prime Node.
  • Short Circuit the enemy Core's coolant system by controlling both Support Nodes simultaneously.
  • An overheated Core raises into the open air and is vulnerable to turret fire.

Voice Chat

If playing for first time in the campaign:

  • Othello: (does a Hoverboard spin jump) Sweet, Hoverboards! Thanks Uncle Malcolm!
  • Bishop: My deliverance shall be swift.
  • Othello: Come on Bishop! Let's see you grind those turret rails.

If playing against the Necris:

  • Reaper: Keep an eye on those train stations.
  • Jester: Taking them both exposes the enemy core.
  • Othello: I like a good shortcut, lets do it!