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Always looking to entertain the public, LC refitted this 200 mph high speed train for Tournament purposes. This time the combatants will have the added danger of being able to fall off a train. Get your popcorn out people and enjoy the show!
Unreal Tournament map description
Full title HiSpeed
Author(s) Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels
Players 4-10
Music Mech8
Game Unreal Tournament
Gametype Assault

Map Description

A train in constant motion. The attackers must take control of it. They start at the very end of the train, from an helicopter. Jumping in this train might end with the player dead, because of the rotatory fans.

The train is composed of seven wagons, the CARs 1, 2 and 3, the Slime wagon, the Pillar wagon, the Container wagon and an empty wagon which serves as the attackers' starting area.

The empty wagon only contains a Rocket Launcher in the very end. The Container wagon has four containers, which form a double-S shaped way. Four wagons are connected via ledges. One of these ledges hold a Super Health Pack. The pillar wagon holds some pillars with some weapons on it. The Slime pillar holds a big container with acid on it. This container is open at the top, so players using the Jump Boots should take special care. Once CAR 1 is reached, attackers spawn at the end of this wagon.

And, finally, there're the CARs themselves. Each CAR can be bypassed by using the Jump Boots, but the Minigun turrets might do things difficult for them. The third CAR serves as the defenders' spawn area. It doesn't offer much, except some boxes holding an armor between them. The second CAR has some crates blocking the way, so the player must go to the top floor of this wagon in order to advance. And, finally, there's the CAR 1, which holds both main objectives. It's also a two-floor wagon with the first switch located at the end of the top level, above the control room, and with two Shock sentinels at the lower floor helping the defenders. There's also an opening in the middle of the ceiling, which attackers can use to reach the switch.

This map has a time limit of 7:00.


Objective 1

Objective 1
Work your way to the front of the train. In Car One, you will find a switch on the upper level that opens up the door to the Control Cabin below. Activate this switch.
In order to reach this switch, you have to make your way to the first wagon, reach the upper floor through the ladder (or falling through a gate, check the Strategy section) and activate it. It's located at the other end of the wagon, just below the control room.

Objective 2

Objective 2
Jump down to the control room. In there, you’ll find a lever that will override the train’s controls.
After your team activated the doors, go down to the lower floor again and make your way to the main control room. Touch the controls in order to win the round.

Weapons & Pickups


Weapon Count Ammo Weapon Location Ammo Location
Shock Rifle 3 7 1x Starting helicopter. 1x End of the Slime pool wagon. 1x Beginning of the CAR 3, top. 3x Between containers in next-to-last-wagon. 2x Slime pool wagon, near the Shock Rifle. 2x Beginning of the CAR 3, top.
Pulse Gun 2 5 1x Starting helicopter. 1x End of the CAR 3, top. 2x End of the next-to-last wagon. 1x Beginning of the Pillar wagon. 2x End of the CAR 3, top, near the Pulse.
Ripper 4 3 1x Beginning of the Pillar wagon. 1x Defenders' spawn room B, in the CAR 3. 1x Defenders' spawn room C, in the CAR 3. 1x CAR 2, middle top. 1x Pillar wagon, near the Ripper. 1x End of the CAR 3, top, near Pulse Gun. 1x CAR 2, middle top.
Minigun 2 4 1x End of the pillar wagon. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, lower. 2x End of the pillar wagon, next to Minigun. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, lower. 1x End of the A wagon.
Flak Cannon 2 4 1x Top of a ledge in next-to-last wagon. 1x End of the CAR 2, top. 2x Top of a ledge in next-to-last wagon. 1x End of the CAR 2, top. 1x Between containers in the A wagon.
Rocket Launcher 4 5 End of the last wagon. 1x Defenders' spawn room A, in the CAR 3. 1x Defenders' spawn room D, in the CAR 3. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, top. 1x Between containers in next-to-last-wagon. 1x Beginning of the next-to-last-wagon. 2x Among pillars in end of pillar wagon. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, top.
Sniper Rifle 1 1 1x End of the A wagon, top. 1x End of the A wagon, top.


Pickup Count Location
Health Pack 10 2x Beginning of the Pillar wagon. 1x Beginning of the CAR 3. 2x End of the CAR 2. 2x Beginning of the CAR 2, top. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, lower. 1x End of the A wagon. 1x End of the A wagon, top.
Big Keg O'Health 2 1x Top of a ledge in next-to-last wagon. 1x Among crates in the CAR 2.
Body Armor 1 1x Between crates in the CAR 3.
Shield Belt 2 1x Top of the Slime wagon. 1x Near crates in beginning of the CAR 2.
Jump Boots 4 1x End of the next-to-last wagon. 1x Between containers in next-to-last wagon. 1x Beginning of the CAR 3, outside. 1x Beginning of the CAR 2, outside.

Tips & tricks


  • A good advice is to get the Jumpboots, jump on the slime wagon in order to get the Shield Belt, and go through the roofs until you reach a door in the main wagon. This is a great shortcut, since you can reach quickly both objectives while the defense is still under preparation.
  • If you insist to go through the main way, (or you're playing the console version) arm yourself with whatever you can get, and blast your way to the first wagon.


  • Try to get defense on the roof of the trains. Expect to be attacked both from inside of the wagons and in the roofs. In botmatches, no bots can reach the ceiling.
  • Attacks with splash damage (shock combo, flak shells, rockets, grenades) are very useful to throw attackers out of the train at the beginning of the round.


  • The slime wagon is absent in the console version.


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