An incomplete tower, that was designed to be a department store, was quickly snatched away, as well as the cranes that were building it, by a Liandri Location Scout for bargain price. He later said on Neurovision, "I've really done my job getting this tower, and I already know it's quickly going to pay off come the next Tourney."
Unreal Tournament map description
Map Description
Weapons & Pickups
Tips & tricks
Author's Notes
After finishing my work on UT I realized most of the maps would be good for 10 players max. It's still decent with more players but I wanted to make something big enough to allow a lot of players without feeling to crowded so I made Crane, Kosov and High Towers. I think these maps will be playable with up to 32 players.[1]
This Level is really big. 16 players can easily fit in this skyscraper.[2]
DM-Agony, DM-ArcaneTemple, DM-Babylon, DM-Barricade, DM-Bishop, DM-BlockParty, DM-Brickyard, DM-CanyonFear, DM-Closer, DM-Coagulate, DM-Codex, DM-ColdSteelPressure, DM-Conveyor, DM-Core, DM-Crane, DM-CurseII, DM-CybrosisII, DM-Damnation, DM-Deck16II, DM-Depot, DM-Dust, DM-Fetid, DM-Flux, DM-Fractal, DM-GearBox, DM-Girder, DM-Google, DM-Gothic, DM-Grinder, DM-Grit-TOURNEY, DM-Halberd, DM-HealPodII, DM-Hood, DM-HyperBlast, DM-Industrial, DM-Infernal, DM-Instinct, DM-KGalleon, DM-Liandri, DM-Loathing, DM-Malevolence, DM-Megaplex, DM-MojoII, DM-MorbiasII, DM-Morpheus, DM-Nebula, DM-NeoTokyo, DM-Oblivion, DM-Outskirts, DM-Paladin, DM-Pantheon, DM-Peak, DM-Phobos, DM-Pressure, DM-Pyramid, DM-Sector9, DM-ShrapnelII, DM-Singularity, DM-Sorayama, DM-SpaceNoxx, DM-Stalwart, DM-StalwartXL, DM-StationControl, DM-Tempest, DM-Turbine, DM-Tutorial, DM-Underlord, DM-Viridian-TOURNEY, DM-Zeto