From Liandri Archives
Screenshot of Darji Outpost #16-A
Map Description
Weapons & Pickups
Tips & tricks
- This map comes with the Epic Bonus Pack, alongside the Nali, Nali Warcow and Skaarj Hybrid models/skins; the Relics and the maps CTF-Cybrosis][, CTF-Hydro16, CTF-Noxion16, DM-Agony, DM-ArcaneTemple, DM-CybrosisII, DM-HealPodII, DM-Malevolence, DM-MojoII and DM-ShrapnelII.
Readme Notes
Alan Willard started building this map one day and it grew into the impressive behmoth that is Darji Fortress.
CTF-Beatitude, CTF-Command, CTF-Coret, CTF-CybrosisII, CTF-Darji16, CTF-Dreary, CTF-EpicBoy, CTF-EternalCave, CTF-Face, CTF-Face-SE, CTF-FaceII, CTF-Gauntlet, CTF-HallOfGiants, CTF-High, CTF-Hydro16, CTF-Kosov, CTF-LavaGiant, CTF-Niven, CTF-November, CTF-Noxion16, CTF-Nucleus, CTF-Orbital, CTF-Phalanx, CTF-Ratchet, CTF-Sepulchre, CTF-Spirito, CTF-StormFront, CTF-Sundial, CTF-Tutorial