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Assault is an objective-oriented gametype in Unreal Tournament and Unreal Tournament 2004 in which one team attacks the objectives (usually one at a time in a specific order) while another defends. Often, attackers will be rewarded for completing an objective by being allowed to spawn closer to the next objective. If the attacking team completes the final objective within the allowed time, the teams switch roles and another round on the same map begins. If not, the original attackers lose. If a second round begins and the new attackers complete the final objective in less time than the first attackers, they win; if not, they lose.

The Assault gametype supports vehicles and turrets.


Unreal Tournament

Objectives in UT are set up using FortStandard actors.

  • DestroyObjective - objective must be destroyed before attackers can continue to the next objective
  • ProximityObjective - an attacker must come within the radius of a certain location in order to complete the objective

Unreal Tournament 2004

Objectives in UT2004 are set up by directly placing classes which are coded to react a certain way. The words in bold text below are the classes that must be placed to set up each objective. Also note that some of these objectives can be set so that they can be completed only by an attacker in a certain vehicle.

  • Energy Core Delivery (ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn, ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Delivery) (Bug: only works as a first objective except with AngelMapper's awesome fix) - an Energy Core must be delivered to a certain location; Energy Cores are picked up when an attacker runs over them and dropped when an attacker dies. They cannot be thrown and defenders cannot move them, although they will reset to their original spawnpoint if no attacker touches them for 30 seconds. No more than one energy core can exist per objective, but multiple cores can exist in a map and it is possible to create an objective which is "deliver an energy core to all three generators" and have any placed Energy Core be delivered to any generator. Except with AngelMapper's mutator, Energy Cores are spawned at the beginning of the match and disabled (they will not spawn again) when that objective is completed.
  • DestroyableObjective - objective must be destroyed before attackers can continue to the next objective
  • ProximityObjective - an attacker must come within the radius of a certain location in order to complete the objective
  • HoldObjective - when a member of the attacking team comes within the radius of a certain location, a timer begins to count down. If that player dies or leaves the radius, the timer stops. When the timer reaches zero, the objective is complete.
  • LockedObjective - an attacking player carrying a KeyInventory with a certain Tag must come within the radius of a certain location to complete the objective
  • UseObjective - an attacking player within the radius of a certain location must press the "use" key to complete the objective
  • TriggeredObjective - triggering this class disables it, but I'm not sure how it corresponds to the above classes


Assault is the most difficult gametype to map for because it involves not only the creation of a vast map, but also many other assets which must accompany the map including voice commands to alert players to objectives, an opening and closing matinee sequence, a credible story, and the use of many actors which are unnecessary in other gametypes. The Backstory is particularly important in Assault because the entire map revolves around it. Therefore, a lot of planning needs to go in to creating an Assault map in order to add realism, flow, and balance. Assault maps are oriented like singleplayer maps, so they're set up in a more or less linear fashion. Because of this, creating a balance between attackers and defenders is extraordinarily difficult. Also, Assault maps are generally huge. This means that optimization is an issue that must be addressed very carefully.

Default Assault Maps

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 2004 Official Epic Bonus Pack

See Also

  • Warfare - Assault won't be returning in UT3, but some of it's gameplay elements will be included in Warfare.