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Double Domination

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Your team scores by capturing and holding both Control Points for ten seconds. Control Points are captured by touching them. After scoring, the Control Points are reset to neutral.

Double Domination, also known as DDOM, is a standard gametype introduced in Unreal Tournament 2003 as a sequel to Domination.


There are two teams in Double Domination: Blue and Red. There are also two Control Points: A and B. The objective for both teams in Double Domination is to capture and hold both Control Points at the same time for ten seconds.

Points are captured by running over them, and will remain captured until an opponent runs over them. These ponts are colored with the team's color, or white if neither team controls it/them.

When a team manages to control both points, the Control Points are reset, and that team receives a point.


  • Often, one or two players (depending on the size of the team) will stand guard at each captured Point. The other teammates will focus on capturing the other point. Sometimes players are forced to leave a point alone to go attack others, especially in botmatches. A common tactic in this case is to order a teammate to stand guard in one's stead.

See also

Domination, the original Unreal Tournament version of DDOM.