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UT3 fury.png
Health: 600
Number of Seats: 1
Driver Abilities: fire, boost forward
Main Uses: attack, flag runs

Basic Information

This airborne terror defies all rational explanation.

Nanoblack turbines seem to discount the laws of physics and ignore gravity, allowing for vertical takeoffs and mid-flight hovering. An array of tentacles mounted on the front of the vehicle pulls the Fury through the air with sudden bursts of speed and unpredictable barrel roll maneuvers.

Energy can also be funneles through the tentacles, and focused into a plasmid bean that quickly burns away enemy armor.
UT3 manual


Using the Fury

The fury is a great all-rounder at fighting, air to ground, air to air, all the way round a good fighter, and a great dodger.

When under fire from avrils, I recommend getting hight and boosts of speed, the hight will force the avril into a slower climb to get you, in this time you should either boost off and hope the avril runs out of fuel, or hide behind some cover. If you boost to get away, fly behind buildings or other obstructions for the avril.

When under fire from enemy aircaft, you need to get your sights on em, twist roll and dodge until you have the enemy in your reticule, take em out with your darkwalker beams and there you go.

The main use of a fury thought is probably, node attack, air to ground suppresion or elimination fire. Many people will cower at your firepower, so use it. Fire at the ground and make them duck for cover, this is a good tactic if you want to keep either your orb-carrier or flag carrier safe. Suppress the enemy!! If tanks or slow vehicles are out in the open, they are good bait too.

Going against the Fury

Going against the fury is hard, specially when you're on the ground. But it isn't impossible. Use an avril, launch it slightly behind the fury and wait till the last possile second before locking on. This will give the fury no time to dodge. After around 4 hits the fury will be destroyed.

If you are in the air, in a raptor, get behind the fury so that the driver cannot see you, because of its unpredictable barrel rolls, get back some distance so that if they do dodge, you don't need to do that much correction. "Fire at will!!" usually missiles are too slow and the fury dodges so I would suggest using the lasers instead.

Hint: Do Not, Go in front of the fury, there is danger of being fried to speck a dust with those darkwalker beams.

VCTF Strategy

Like other flying vehicles, the Fury can give flag carriers a quick ride back home. While the flag carrier risks getting shot down and falling to death if using this strategy, the reward usually is a much shorter way back than any ground route.