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The legendary Samurai of Earth's Lotus Guard used to train within the walls of the Imperial Palace. This small section of the Kimpu Market District was built to mirror those courtyards, and now serves as the entrance to the Ghost Legion training grounds.
Unreal Tournament 3 map description
Full title Rising Sun
Players 6-10
Music RomAsia01_DM
Game Unreal Tournament 3
Gametype Deathmatch

Map Description

Weapons & Pickups


Weapon Count Ammo Location
BioRifle 1 2 1x-1x Below the south stairs.
0x-1x near the Rocket Launcher.
Shock Rifle 2 4 1x-1x Near the south arc, near the lake.
0x-1x near the Stinger.
1x-1x In the Tutorial area. (Near the beginning)
0x-1x In the Tutorial area. (Near the end)
Link Gun 1 2 1x-1x Near the west tutorial door.
0x-1x near the BioRifle.
Stinger Minigun 1 1 Near the east balcony facing the river.
Flak Cannon 1 1 Weapon below the Bell. Ammo near the Link Gun.
Rocket Launcher 1 2 1x-1x Near the north entrance, between the samurai statues.
0x-1x near the Shock Rifle.


Pickup Count Location
Health Pack 2 Below the bell, east and west of the Flak Cannon.
Health Vial 24 2x Between BioRifle and Armor.
4x Below the North stairs.
4x In the wooden northwest passage.
10x Right below the Bell, above the Flak Cannon.
4x In the wooden northeast passage.
Armor 1 Center, inside of the Market, below the Bell and Flak Cannon.


Campaign Info


We're taken to a cutscene, which takes place in the Twin Souls colony. The people of the colony is working, and the camera shifts the focus to a medallion with the original UT logo. A boy catches it, and then an explosion ensues. The camera turns from the boy, and we see the colony being overrun by Kralls. We watch the colonists being killed while the boy runs, and ships explode. Then, the kid falls, and it's going to be killed by a Krall... until Reaper saves the kid's life.

Reaper: Controlled bursts! Watch for civilians!

Othello: Hell yeah, this is my kind of fight!
Jester: The kind where we all die, Othello?
Othello: Don't worry! Your brother's got a plan.

(Reaper approaches)

Othello (to Jester): See?
Reaper: I need volunteers!
Othello: You name it!
Reaper: Jester, our only chance is to power up a ship for evac.

(A ship rises up to the sky and gets shot down)

Jester: And get shot down?
Reaper: Not a shuttle... a fighter. A good enough pilot could get past that blockade.
Jester: I'm on it.

(Jester kills a Krall and goes to said fighter)

Othello: ¡Reaper! (runs from the fire) A fighter won't help evac all these colonists.
Reaper: Just get my sister to safety. Whatever it takes.

(They interchange their weapons)

Reaper: Bishop, provide cover.
Bishop: Verily! Bless my skills, oh Lord, and be pleased with the work on my hands...
Reaper: Just do it!

The fight continues, but Reaper gets shot, dazed, and falls. In a bit of awakening, he sees Akasha shooting down a fellow soldier. The evac fails.

In the next cutscene, Jester and Othello find Reaper being mortally wounded.

Othello: We're too late.
Jester: We can't be...

Then, he's taken to a medical center in order to be recovered.

Doctor: ...don't even bother with this one. No way he fights again.
Malcolm: Just do it.


Then, the chapter I begins. Reaper has almost recovered, but he's still pissed off. The cutscene takes place in one of Tokaido's gardens, perhaps an Izanagi property:

Jester: You still mad?
Reaper: You shouldn't have come back.
Jester: Right. Fly off and leave brother to die.
Reaper: I swore I would take care of you.
Jester: From six feet under? Good plan.
Reaper: Fine, you win. So, we're working for the Izanagi now?
Jester: They had two things we needed. First, a hospital. You were half dead.
Reaper: And the second?
Jester: I knew you'd be pissed when you woke up. This mercenary gig gets us up close and personal with Necris. Fast.
Reaper: Now we're talkin'.
Jester: That was the plan, but the Izanagi suits call us 'Ronin' behind our backs. I figure we learn their new tech... and prove we deserve a front line assignment.
Reaper: Sounds good. So where's the firing range?
Jester: I thought a little one-on-one would work out the kinks.
Reaper: With rocket launchers? Your big plan was to save me, then blow me to bits?
Jester: The whole city is covered with respawners. Corporate money...
Reaper: Respawners? On a battlefield?
Jester: Sure. Portable units.
Reaper: So no casualties...
Jester: Yeah. Let's see if the docs put you back together right. I know that you feel better, but I need to make sure you're really ready for all this. Let's meet up at the Kimpu docks for a little one on one refresher course. If it helps, you can pretend I'm one of those scary Krall goons...

After that cutscene, the player has to run over a small tutorial, where he gets familiarized with some weapons, and then, a fight 1on1 against Jester in DM-RisingSun.

  • Goal: 10 Kills
  • Enemies: Jester

Mission Objectives

  • Keep enemies in check until their Respawner charges are depleted.
  • Maintain battlefield control by holding the high ground.
  • Use audio cues to track enemy movement.

Voice Chat

The first time Reaper dies:

Reaper: Damn, dying HURTS!
Jester: Try not to tense up.
Reaper: That sounds easy.

After each frag from Jester:

(Jester's first frag) Reaper: You've been practising.
(Jester's third frag) Jester: Need more bedrest?
(Jester's fifth frag) Jester: And you want to be Squad Leader?
(Jester wins) Jester: OK, so you're not 100, but you get the general idea.

After each frag from Reaper:

(Reaper's first frag) Reaper: That felt good.
(Reaper's third frag) Jester: Now you're getting it!
(Reaper's fifth frag) Jester: Nice one, big brother!
(Reaper's seventh frag) Jester: Reaper is BACK!
(Reaper's ninth frag) Jester: Next time, Othello can train you.
(Reaper wins) Jester: I knew you still had it in you.

If 45 seconds past without action:

Jester: Anytime, bro...

If 60 seconds past without action:

Jester: This is combat, not P.T. - Quit running!

(DM-ShangriLa) Next >>