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Template talk:Vehicles

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Revision as of 18:04, 15 August 2008 by Dark Pulse (talk | contribs)
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We need XMP vehicles here too. Now, I would do it like this...

But it looks out of the place. Plus, I think that some Other vehicles shouldn't be there (Space Fighters, Bulldog, Ion Plasma Tank). Only Toilet Car fits there (and also Vapor would, as it's unfinished, and Phoenix). Other vehicles can and are widely used in user-made maps. I guess it needs rewriting to look good. Also, the title kinda doesn't fit there. --GreatEmerald 15:07, 11 August 2008 (EDT)

It would be nice if we had some better navbox templates instead of what I just threw together. Just putting XMP vehicles last would work well enough most likely. Not sure what the issue with Other Vehicles as it currently stands. They are used in maps, but aren't part of the standard arsenal. Other seems as good a label as any for them. — Haarg 16:36, 11 August 2008 (EDT)
Yes, probably. We could also add a vehicle icon here (monster icon in the Creatures in Unreal template etc.). And yes, the other section might be good, but Vapor should go there too, which kinda breaks the look and the point that those in the Other section are all from UT2004 (bulldog is from UT2003 but is also in UT2004). And yes, by the style XMP vehicles would fit after Other in terms of layout, but it doesn't quite make sense. Other is always last, just that it has a lot of vehicles there. Maybe if "Other" would be renamed to something like "Extra UT2004 vehicles", and a new section for uncomplete vehicles would be added, maybe it would make sense. How about this one now? --GreatEmerald 06:34, 12 August 2008 (EDT)
I think I'd prefer something more like this:
Neither the TC-1200 or Phoenix would be labeled as 'Test' or 'Incomplete'. The TC-1200 is an easter egg and the Phoenix was completed and used, just not as a drivable vehicle. What is the Vapor? Everything else on the list is roughly complete and included in the game in some fashion. — Haarg 09:32, 12 August 2008 (EDT)
Vapor is a motorcycle with a gun on top. It only has one mesh, though, and isn't used anywhere. In this version, I think that XMP gets quite a lot of attention as it's in a separate section, but looks OK. Just that "Tournament" sounds strange, maybe "Axon Vehicles (UT)" or just a heading for the sections? --GreatEmerald 12:01, 12 August 2008 (EDT)
I'm just not sure the Vapor merits including given that it didn't make an appearance in the game at all and isn't usable. I agree about the Tournament labels being kind of odd. I was trying to use a consistent naming scheme. Having (UT) after the name, then 'XMP Vehicles' is also a bit odd, but it may look better than what I posted. — Haarg 03:22, 13 August 2008 (EDT)
Agreed. If it wasn't in the game, it should be mentioned, but hardly put on the vehicle templates. The StealthBender is a similar example with UT3 - planned, dropped, and ultimately never playable. The Bulldog, TC-1200, and Phoenix should all stay, as those are indeed playable in some form or another. --Dark Pulse 21:04, 15 August 2008 (EDT)
Maybe this is a good time to mention that Unreal Wiki has class descriptions of all XMP UScript classes. If something isn't actually usable, but may nevertheless be interesting to modders, try mentioning it there. --Wormbo 04:05, 13 August 2008 (EDT)