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17:19, 9 August 2008 CTF-FaceClassic-Pickups.png (file) 224 KB == Summary == Weapons and power-up locations in CTF-FaceClassic The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup is not on the top-most floor. The brightl 1
16:17, 9 August 2008 CTF-Chrome-Pickups.png (file) 61 KB Weapons and power-up locations in CTF-Chrome The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup is not on the top-most floor. ==Legend== [[Image:UT2004Pick 1
16:46, 8 August 2008 DM-BP2-Calandras.gif (file) 300 KB UT2004's level preview of DM-BP2-Calandras 1
16:45, 8 August 2008 DM-BP2-GoopGod.gif (file) 253 KB UT2004's level preview of DM-BP2-GoopGod 1
06:52, 6 August 2008 Mercenary Size.png (file) 43 KB The size of a Mercenary compared to the player 1
10:32, 5 August 2008 DaveEwing.jpg (file) 20 KB   1
04:59, 5 August 2008 BastiaanFrank.jpg (file) 21 KB   2
13:01, 30 July 2008 IceSkaarj.jpg (file) 50 KB   1
13:00, 30 July 2008 GiantSkaarj.jpg (file) 71 KB   1
13:00, 30 July 2008 SkaarjLord.jpg (file) 65 KB   1
12:38, 30 July 2008 SkaarjOfficer.jpg (file) 76 KB   1
12:38, 30 July 2008 SkaarjGunner.jpg (file) 62 KB   1
12:38, 30 July 2008 SkaarjTrooper.jpg (file) 81 KB   1
08:14, 29 July 2008 SkaarjQueen Size.png (file) 97 KB The size of the Skaarj Queen compared to the player 1
06:59, 29 July 2008 SkaarjQueen.jpg (file) 90 KB A picture of the Skaarj Queen in The Source 1
16:02, 15 July 2008 LesserBrute.jpg (file) 110 KB A Lesser Brute 1
16:01, 15 July 2008 Behemoth.jpg (file) 133 KB A Behemoth (strongest class of the Brutes) 2
11:35, 15 July 2008 Pupae Size.png (file) 18 KB Size of a Pupae compared to the player 1
08:01, 15 July 2008 Gasbags Size.png (file) 110 KB The sizes of the 2 kinds of Gasbag, compared to the player 1
07:36, 15 July 2008 GiantGasbag.jpg (file) 137 KB A Giant Gasbag 1
05:32, 15 July 2008 Titan Size.png (file) 122 KB The size of a Titan compared to the player 2
17:02, 9 July 2008 Warlord Size.png (file) 56 KB The size of a Warlord compared to a player 1
12:54, 9 July 2008 Slith Size.png (file) 47 KB The size of a Slith compared to the player 1
06:39, 9 July 2008 DM-Insidious-Pickups.png (file) 120 KB Weapons and pickups locations in DM-Insidious The different shades indicate the height of the ground, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. The red in the middle indica 1
06:26, 9 July 2008 DM-1on1-Idoma-Pickups.png (file) 62 KB Weapons and pickups locations in DM-1on1-Idoma The different shades indicate the height of the ground, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. ==Legend== [[Image:UT2004 1
05:49, 2 July 2008 TrainingDay-Pickups.png (file) 14 KB Pickup locations in DM-TrainingDay. Red indicates lava. ==Legend== Image:UT2004Pickups-Legend.png 2
05:24, 2 July 2008 DM-Oceanic-Pickups.png (file) 52 KB Weapons and pickups locations in DM-Oceanic The different shades indicate the height of the ground, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. ==Legend== [[Image:UT2004Pic 1
04:59, 2 July 2008 DM-Leviathan-Pickups.png (file) 58 KB Weapons and pickups locations in DM-Leviathan The different shades indicate the height of the ground, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. ==Legend== [[Image:UT2004P 1
04:44, 2 July 2008 Gael-Pickups.png (file) 16 KB Pickup and weapon locations on DM-Gael. Faded icons indicate that the pickup is not on the top-most level. ==Legend== Image:UT2004Pickups-Legend.png 3
04:24, 2 July 2008 DM-Compressed-Pickups.png (file) 68 KB Weapons and pickups locations in DM-Compressed The different shades indicate the height of the ground, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. The top corridor in the cen 1
04:20, 2 July 2008 CTF-1on1-Joust-Pickups.png (file) 11 KB A map of CTF-1on1-Joust ==Legend== Image:UT2004Pickups-Legend.png 2
03:53, 2 July 2008 CTF-DE-ElecFields-Pickups.png (file) 223 KB Weapons and pickup locations in BR-DE-ElecFields ==Legend== Image:UT2004Pickups-Legend.png 1
03:47, 2 July 2008 BR-IceFields-Pickups.png (file) 149 KB Pickup locations in BR-Icefields The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where white = high, and grey = lower ground. The blue parts are on much higher ground. The Redeemer in the middle of the map is placed on top of a small structu 2
03:46, 2 July 2008 BR-Disclosure-Pickups.png (file) 94 KB Weapons and pickup locations in BR-Disclosure. The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup/goals are not on the top level. The UDamage pickup is on a 3
03:44, 2 July 2008 BR-DE-ElecFields-Pickups.png (file) 227 KB Weapons and pickup locations in BR-DE-ElecFields ==Legend== Image:UT2004Pickups-Legend.png 4
03:42, 2 July 2008 BR-Anubis-Pickups.png (file) 135 KB Weapons and pickup locations in BR-Anubis The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. The areas beneath the goals are deep pits which will instantly kill anyone who falls in. ==Legend== Ima 2
09:43, 6 June 2008 Morpheus3 BuildingOutside.JPG (file) 109 KB The outside of a tower in DM-Morpheus3 1
09:42, 6 June 2008 Morpheus3 Platform.JPG (file) 102 KB The low platform in DM-Morpheus3 1
09:41, 6 June 2008 Morpheus3 Overview.JPG (file) 114 KB Overview of DM-Morpheus3 1
08:19, 6 June 2008 Serpentine Lift.JPG (file) 167 KB View on the lift in DM-1on1-Serpentine 1
08:19, 6 June 2008 Serpentine Bridge.JPG (file) 147 KB The top-level bridge from DM-1on1-Serpentine 1
01:44, 2 June 2008 DM-1on1-Serpentine.png (file) 66 KB == Summary == Weapon and pickup locations in DM-1on1-Serpentine The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, with lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Faded icons indicate that the pickup is not on the top-most level. Flak Cannon 1
13:46, 1 June 2008 UT2004Pickups-Legend.png (file) 83 KB Explanation of the used icons in the mini-maps for various map's articles from Unreal Tournament 2004. 3
07:26, 1 June 2008 Canyon Sniper.JPG (file) 154 KB Sniper post in BR-Canyon 1
07:11, 1 June 2008 Canyon Goal.JPG (file) 161 KB Red team's goal in BR-Canyon 1
07:10, 1 June 2008 Canyon Cliff.JPG (file) 104 KB Sniper post in BR-Canyon 1
07:10, 1 June 2008 Canyon Bomb.JPG (file) 182 KB Bomb's spawn location in BR-Canyon 1
05:30, 1 June 2008 BR-Canyon.gif (file) 234 KB UT2004's level preview of BR-Canyon 1
05:29, 1 June 2008 BR-Canyon-Pickups.png (file) 302 KB Weapons and pickup locations in BR-Canyon The different shades indicate the height of the terrain, where lighter = higher, and darker = lower ground. Blue indicates water. The goals are suspended onto an arch and can be jumped through with the jumppa 1
12:51, 28 May 2008 2004-Sentinels.gif (file) 95 KB Both types of Sentinels used in UT2004. 1
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